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After you left the office you, Temari, and Shikamaru went to Shikamarus house and got to filling out and signing papers. All you could think about is Kankuro. He couldn't leave your mind. It was distracting. But Temari didn't notice because she was eye balling Shikamaru. And Shikamaru was too lazy to care.

'Damn Kankuro, I wish you were here.'

You snapped from your thoughts when Temari slammed the table in frustration.

"Damn!" She yelled.

"What's wrong now?" Shikamaru asked annoyingly.

"There are at least 300 forms here. It's getting frustrating. Can we take a break?" Temari said as she laid her  back on the ground.

"Yeah I was about to dismiss us for a hour or so." Shikamaru sighed.

"Good I'm glad. I needed a break." You say, sweating and wishing you were alone.

You flopped down on the cold floor, throwing your arms behind your head. You sighed, thinking about him. It was driving you crazy because you've been away from him for longer then this. You had a feeling, it was unsettling. But you brushed it off, this was not the time to worry.

-skip time-

After two more hours of hard work you guys finally finished the paper work for the exams.

"Wow that took a lot out of me." Temari complained. Sometimes she can be a bit too hard working. Which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes she doesn't know how to stop.

"Why don't we go get something to eat?" Shikamaru says.

"Sounds like a great idea." Temari sighs joyfully.

You all head out to town to find the best place to eat this late at night. The town lights were so beautiful, you had forgotten just how beautiful they are. You took a deep breath and memories started coming in.


"Naruto!" You yelled as you chased him through the town.

"You'll never catch me!" He looked back sticking out his tongue.

You ran with all your might. But before you could even reach full speed Naruto ran into a cart of cabbage! He completely demolished it. You laughed so hard, you almost started to cry.
You approached him and offered to help him up. But before he started to reach for you hand and man with an apron walked out. Oh man was he mad.


Naruto looked petrified, he had destroyed his cart of cabbages.

"Run!" Naruto took my hand and ran for his life.

-Flashback End-

You laughed at the memory.

"What's so funny?" Temari asked.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about being a kid that's all." You smiled.

"Hey how about here?" Shikamaru stopped and looked at the sign reading Konaha Dumplings! Open Late!

"Eh why not." You shrugged.

You proceeded to enter.

"Ah welcome to Konaha Dumplings! The best thing since the First Hokage!" A man behind the counter said with glee.

You laughed because it wasn't true but he sure is funny. You scan the menu, everything is quite expensive, you start to get a little nervous. You don't have any money left. 400 ryo is all you have, and everything on the menu was at least 800 ryo.

"Aww man I don't have enough." You sighed.

"That's alright I'll cover for you." Temari smiled.

"Since you two have been traveling so much I will take the bill, you'll need it for a later date." Shikamaru butted in.

"No its alright, we travel pretty often and we cover for each other. I've got it." Temari explained to him, sounding annoyed.

"Fine then." Shikamaru said trying to be nice.

"Everyone's meal is on the house!" The man behind the counter said, "You have all had a rough day I'm sure. Preparing for the Chunin exams is pretty tough."

Hmm how did he know we were preparing the Chunin exams this year?

"Thank you!" You yelled, so excited for food.

"Just take a seat and I'll prepare our specialty." The man said, proceeding to the kitchen.

We took a seat in the back of the small room, it was just the three of us. It's pretty self explanatory because it is almost 10 o'clock at night.

"So how's everything in the Sand village?" Shikamaru asked, trying to pass time.

"Everything is going pretty well. Gaara is doing well as Kazekage, he's still trying to figure it out but Kankuro and I are there with him." Temari stated, his name made your heart ache.

You couldn't stop thinking about Kankuro. Something was up and you didn't know what. But you had a feeling it was bad.

"Uh hello [Name]? Are you there?" Temari waves her hand in my face.

"Uhhh, um, yeah." You stumble your words.

"You were our for a minute, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Um yeah, just thinking."

"Oh thinking... I see." She winked.

You had a small blush on your face.

"Well food's here. Let's eat!" You snapped out of it.

"Thank you for the food!" You all said in unison.

Oh well hi hello there! I decided to maybe pick up some where I left off, it's kinda rude to not to. So here I am! Enjoy🙏🏼
It's not super long but I'll be working on my next one shortly

Did I tell you (Kankuro x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang