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Kankuro POV

My heart is racing. My hands are above my head ready to take the explosion.
Am I ready to die?
I can't be, I've not told her how I feel.
The warmth of the explosion is near....

But it never came.

Confused I unfold my arms and see a giant wave of sand overtop the village. I realize Gaara had protected everyone.

"I expect nothing less from the Kazekage." Baki says beside me.

I peer up to see my young brother.

"Gaara did it." I smile at the young Kazekage above me.

A few moments pass and another explosion goes off, this time it's right infront of Gaara. I yell his name hoping he might answer this time.
The smoke clears and I see his sheild has protected him. I sigh knowing he is okay.

"Hm, Gaaras' ultimate defense can withstand much more then that detonation." Baki states.

"Lord Baki," I hear one of the men from behind me, "Our attack preparations are now complete."

"Very well." He replies, "You will launch the assault on my signal!"

The men prepare the ballistas (large crossbow) towards the sky, creaking back and forth to get the perfect shot on the enemy.

I begin to have an eerie feeling in my stomach as they prepare the attacks. The enemy forms a hand sign and I hear an explosion in the sky. My eyes gaze back to Gaara and I see the sand around him deformed. My heart drops. Sand begins to trickle from the sand sphere.

"That blast," Baki, just as confused as me, "What happened inside that sphere?"

"I-is he?" I question, my heart is racing just thinking about all the possibilities. I run the the edge of the building, his name echos off the walls of the silent village.

Murmuring among the village snaps the silence. Men behind me don't believe the actions before them.

"I can't believe he broke Gaaras' ultimate defense!" Baki is shocked.
I myself can't believe what I'm seeing.
"How on earth did he do that?"

Piece by piece the sphere unfolds to reveal Gaara, he is in bad shape. Sand is falling from his body.
The Akatsuki member speeds towards Gaara, suddenly he flies up and away. He thought get maybe Gaara was trying the finish him off when his only intention was...

"What now?" Baki questions.

"He's using every last bit of power to safely transport the sand outside the village. He's trying to save his people." I explained to him.

The sand slowly moves away from the village and we begin to see the sky again.

"What do you men think you are doing? We must help the Kazekage! Prepare an attack!" Baki waves the men off.

"Yes, sir!" They reply as they return the their stations.


Arrows begin to soar through the air. The enemy is too quick and easily dodges every arrow.

"Again!" He yells once more, hoping to hit him. This time each arrow has a paper bomb attached to it. Creating a smoke layer.

People are cheering for Gaara as he continues to move the sand away from the village.

"Come on Gaara you're almost there!" I yell to him, he is struggling.
The sand crashes outside the sand village.
"He did it." I smile.
Gaara is still panting heavily and he begins the sink from the sky. He is out and falling fast.

I run fast towards him hoping to catch him in time, meanwhile Baki orders men to save the Kazekage. The enemy is racing towards Gaara and I continue to run as fast as I can... but I was too late, he had been captured and was heading for the outside of the village.

Soooo my computer crashed and I have been trying to fix it. So I've been referring to YouTube as a reliable source of my episodes. Can you believe they don't have subbed on there? Sorry if it's short :(

Did I tell you (Kankuro x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt