Chapter 11

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When I open my eyes as I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I sit up robotically. I'm not really a morning person but I'm kind of a zombie in the morning. Turning my alarm off I make my way to my bathroom after grabbing my uniform. When I enter I don't even bother looking in the mirror considering I don't need to see... whatever is going on with my hair right now.

After my shower I blow dried my hair and get finished getting ready. It's not like it takes to long. I don't do much. Just shower and change.

After I exit the bathroom I'm already fully dressed and ready. I go to grab my backpack not even bothering to look inside because I'm fully aware of it's contents such as books and... that's all. I set the bag at the foot of the bed while I sit at the edge of my bed leaning over looking down at my phone in my lap.

I half expected to see a message from Hitoshi but considering how he is terrible at waking up and we still have over an hour and a half before school even starts, he's probably not up. But you might be wondering why I got up 2 hours before school started when it takes me 30 minutes to get ready. Simple. I like calm atmospheres. And being in control and not being rushed. I also like to sit on my ass and look at my current situation where I am forced to go to a school for an occupation I don't want.

Either or.

I yawn as I scroll through cringy Instagram posts. Deciding I've had enough of this bull shit I turn my phone off. Yawning again and putting my hand over my mouth to seem quieter I stand up looking for my headphones for my phone. I'm choosing not to bring a cassette player because it'll just be a hassle from here on out. Considering I'm going to have to go to school we're I will constantly learning how to risk my life for fame. After I find my headphones that somehow found their way under my pillow I put them in my left hand while using my dominant hand to dig through my drawer to find a sweater. I grab my thickest black sweater, mainly because I'm feeling very cold right now and even though we have warm weather out I have a feeling I'll be cold later on.

After pulling out my black hoodie I set my headphones down on my bed while I throw my hoodie over my head and fit it comfortably on me. When I'm done adjusting I grab my headphones and throw them in my hoodie pocket and sit down in the position I was in. I go to look at my phone again only to see I have to leave in 45 minutes. Lame.

I once again yawn having it drag out. I rub my eyes making myself more aware and awake. "Damnnnn I don't want to go", I yawn out as I stretch my limbs out in my sitting position.

Breakfast right now is a double edged sword. It sounds good. But later will not be. It makes my stomach unsettled when I eat in the morning.

Unpopular opinion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day.

I scratch my head as I scroll through Snapchat. Hmm. Should I freeze my hair again or.. hmmm. I mean the only thing it does is make me look like a total baddie and conceals my hair color. Not to mention I'm also wearing a mask that covers my face and neck. I think I'm fine...

After yawning for the fifth time I decided to stand up and pace so I'm not so tired. I don't even think I stayed up that late. It's whatever, maybe this is just my body telling me sleep is more important then learning how to professionally die in the name of "justice". I roll my eyes just at the thought of heroism.

I check the time again and it's 5 minutes before I have to leave. Before I exit my room I go to my bathroom and out on my mask making sure it covers my neck. I also put my hair up in a bun and ice it over with my quirk.

"And... wa la", I whisper to myself as I finish. "Shiori", shoto yells from our side my room as he bangs on my door. "What!", I yell back. "We're leaving", he says briefly before I hear his footsteps walk away. "Ugh", I let out. I grab my backpack and head out. When I make it outside I feel a cold breeze. "I knew it", I yawned.

As endeavor promised, right before me is a black car driven by none other then a driver. Borderline escort. I can't see through the tinted glass but I'm gonna assume shoto is in there. I make my way over to the car opening the door to the back seat. Luckily shoto is sitting in the passenger seat and not in the back where I am. I get in without any problems ignoring the glance shoto gives me through the rear view mirror.

After I close my door the driver gets the already started car out of park and drives out of the driveway.

As soon as we reach the highway I decide to voice my thoughts. "Here we go, we're on our ways to waste 3 years of our lives learning how to be a human shield or to exploit the public for money", I yawn out uncaringly leaning my forehead on the cold window ignoring shotos disapproving glances.

I watch the other cars in traffic as we make our way to U.A. . As we pull in I see a small a small amount of the press at the entrance. Probably here because of all might. Lame.

I adjust my shoulder as we park and shoto jumps out of the car. I quickly grab my stuff and hurry to follow shoto. We don't acknowledge the press and continue our way in. After following him through the entrance and into the building and following every turn he takes he finally stopped in front of a classroom, and turned around to face me.

Me, who was blindly followed him obviously bumped into his chest since he abruptly stopped. "Ow...", I say rubbing my sore nose. I raise my chin making my eyes meet shotos as he glares down at me. Feeling my sore nose I say, "you did this for what".

"Why are you following me", shoto gets right to the point. "Ummm", I look away and start whistling. "I don't know what you're talking about", I assure. "We must being going to the same place, we are in the same class", I shrug. "Yes, but you are watching my feet not the halls", shoto fires back obviously annoyed at me. I glare at his tone. "One, how did you know that and two, didn't ask -_-", I respond making shoto give me an even more pissed off expression. "You literally di-". "Wowww, are you guys fighting?", kirishima interrupts leaning out of the classroom. Bruh now is not the time red head. "No, were discussing politics", I say sarcastically as I walk past shoto and kirishima entering the classroom. "Sheesh you didn't have to be rude", kririshima responds turning back into the classroom to face me. More specifically my back. I don't even bother responding. I just go to sit down in my seat in the back of the class.

I yawn before I pull out my headphones and turn on my music to listen too. When I finally look back at kirishima he's giving me cautious looks while talking to the kid with spiky, blonde hair. I think his name was bokugo... yea that's it.

While observing them kirishima catches me starring back and we make eye contact before he turns away quickly practically yelling as well. Yea.. couldn't be more obvious. The bokugo kid yelled at him for being so loud, im pretty sure he said something along the lines of "I don't care about ice head", but I don't know.

More students enter the classroom and make their way to their seats as the bell rings. When I look at the front of the classroom mr. aizawa was at the front. " all right, quiet down. I know some of you might be excited because today you all we be doing some exercises and a lesson with all might. But don't get ahead of yourselves. Take this seriously and don't fool around." He states apathetically.

This guy, right here. Give him the award for most charismatic teacher of the year. Ha ha.

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