Chapter 14

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After I finished putting on what is called my "hero suit" I met the rest of the students at ground beta. I'm not too excited about this little training exercise, but then again I don't even know what exactly it is.

Ground beta was just like the entrance exams. The area had a bunch of empty buildings made for hero training. I'll never understand how they have this much space on the U.A. Grounds to have a small city just laying around. But I guess no one ever worries about the small stuff so why should I..

All the students gathered around all might as he began to explain what the class was gonna be about. "This hero vs. villain exercise will be carried out here on ground beta. Here you and 1 or more of your classmates will be assigned a team randomly drawn from these boxes", all might said enthusiastically pointing at two boxes that had the labels "hero" and "villain" on them. How practical.

"Your name will be drawn with another student from which ever box wether it be villain or hero. The classmates you are paired with will be on your team. The aim of this exercise is to see how you think strategically and use your quirk on the battlefield", All might yelled pointing at the buildings in the background.

"The teams of villains will protect a fake bomb, while the team of hero's jobs are to compromise it and from the villains. In order to do that one team member from the hero team must touch the bomb the villains are protecting. Either team can restrain a member of the opposing team with restraint tape. Wrap this tape around your opponent and they are restricted from participating in this exercise any further. If all teammates on the opposing side have been restrained the team who restrained them has won. If the villain team manages to protect the bomb when the timer of 15 minutes run out they win. If the hero team gets their hands on the bomb before the timer runs out they win", all might explained in detail to the class.

I scratched the back of my ear thinking how this all seems like so much work just to see how capable we are.

All might approached the two boxes where he would draw names to see who would be going first and on which teams. The first name he drew from the villain box was bokugo and Iida.

Man, how fitting.

He announced the names then went to the heros box to draw some names. "And the heros for this round will be.. Midoriya and Ururaka", All might said loudly.

I could see Ururaka and midoriya talking to each other about how glad they are that they got paired together. All might explained how the rest of the students will watch from inside another building nearby. The teammates will also have ear pieces that let the people on the same team communicate with each other.

Me and the rest of the students went into the building to watch with all might escorting us. When we get there I let out a yawn. I haven't been getting much sleep lately and this isn't exactly what I would call exciting. The kid with yellow hair and the electricity quirk nudged my shoulder and whispered, "hey this exercise hasn't even started yet, we get to use our quirks in a mock battle today. You should at least pretend to be excited". I just rudely yawn in his face again, getting a shocked and annoyed expression from him before walking to the other side of the room where hopefully I won't get nudged by some other person I barely remember.

By the time the first round of the exercise had begun I was already dosing off. For a large part of the first part of the exercise I was half awake and the part I was groggily watching midoriya almost die because bakugo was psychotic.

I don't remember watching the last part of the first exercise but the hero team had won.

Midoriya didn't regroup with the rest of the class like the others because he went to the infirmary because he injured himself again.

Shoto todoroki twin sisterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя