Entrance exams

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When we were put into different groups I didn't see Hitoshi or the people from earlier. They must be in another group. Suddenly the speaker goes on explaining the rules. I would have been more excited if this school was my first pick but it wasn't. The examiners could probably tell I wasn't exited. There was probably this aura around me that said "fuck off".

I decided I was only going to use my fire. Unlike shoto I could use my ice and fire o both sides of me freely. I don't use my mist/draft outdoors though. It goes everywhere and gets spread to thin and if I try to hard I puts my brain under too much stress and I'll faint.

A loud horn goes off and we are released into this almost city looking  training grounds. I quickly run into one of the robots and grab onto its metal arm. I use my fire on it melting through the hard surface exposing wire that I quickly melt shutting off the robot. I do this 4 times until I get bored. I might have helped one kid though because his quirk was seeing 2 seconds into the future. Yea not really the fighting type.

After that they said we get our results in 3 days. I got a text from Hitoshi telling me to go without him. He must have not have had a good experience. When I started walking away from the UA building a black bmw pulls up. Every time. Instead of resisting it I just walk towards it and get in. "What the hell are you wearing", he says looking at me like I've gone crazy. Wow thanks dad I love you too. I just buckled my seat belt and looked out my window listening to music. "How was it", I shrug. "Was it hard". At that I motion to my clothes were it's noticeable that I don't have a scratch on me. "Hmm good". "How many robots did you take down", I'm not surprised he knew he probably knew what the entire exam would be. I hold out 4 fingers. " hmm you would have passed" he says as if I wasn't sitting right next to him. Next week I'll drop you and your brother off so I know you actually go." My brother may hate my father too but he wanted to go to UA. When we get to the house I look at him. He knows what I want. I keep giving him the intense look. "4:00 o'clock". Is all he has to say before I run out of the car and to Hitoshi's it's 1:00 right no I can make and get home on time. When I get there I open door more casually and say "Hitoshi you home". When he walks out I can't believe the look on his face. He looks like he just lost everything. "Hitoshi"I say with more concern. When he looks at me falls to his knee. "Hitoshi"! I exclaim before getting on my knees and hugging him with a worried look. "What happened" I urge. He stays quiet for a bit before talking. "I didn't get a single one I wasn't strong enough" he grits out clenching his fist. A tear running down the side of his cheek. I wipe it away. "no your the strongest person I've ever met and that school is a fool if they won't except you", "the exam was flawed it was made with people with flashy quirks in mind if the test wasn't flawed you would have gotten in no doubt." I tried to reassure him. Hitoshi doesn't cry that's how I know this meant a lot. I pulled him into a hug a said, " Hitoshi I'm so sorry, you deserve so much more than this world can give you and I wish, I wish I could give it to you", I say a tear trickling down my cheek. The way others look at Hitoshi after he tells them his quirk. Or how they feel he could hurt them without them even knowing. The way his quirk doesn't make him physically stronger so it's not deemed at hero material. I hate all of it. He's never used his quirk for his personal benefit and wouldn't hurt anyone. He wiped my tear off my cheek and then put his forehead on mine. "Thank you, and I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry", he knows I don't cry either the only time I actually cried was when my father branded me with a scar. So at lease he knows how much he means to me. he checks the clock before telling me I should leave not wanting me to get into trouble again. On my way back I saw the same curly green haired kid again. Ugh I hope he doesn't see me. Nope. When he sees me I turn to walk in the other direction. " hey, wait up" he says running up to me. I sigh and turn around. " uh.. your the girl from earlier right"? " maybe", I say. " um my name is Izuku Midoriya", he says trying to stay calm. "Shiori todaroki", I say looking away from him. " todaroki I feel like I've heard that before, hey what's your quirk", that was random. "Fire", I say not trying to give this "Midoriya" too much information. His face suddenly lit up. " is your dad Endeavor"? "No". I say before walking off. " hey are you worried about wether or not you'll get in", he says following me. I try to ignore his questions and just keep walking. I eventually zoned him out. When I got to my house I opened the door and took off my shoes and headphones. "Woah is this your house", Midoriya says in aw. Wait a minute! "YOU FOLLOWED ME HOME"! I scream. "You said it was okay", he says shaking. Ah shit now I feel bad. I sigh and look at him. " look I'm sorry for yelling at you I was just surprised okay", I said in an exasperated tone. "I hope you get into UA and if not good luck with you life, bye Midoriya", I say. Before he can even say good bye I slam the door shut in his face. Damn annoying.  When I turn around I see none other than my favorite brother shoto(note the sarcasm). "Why were you yelling, and who followed you". I sighed and took off my mask and ran my hand through my hair melting the ice. "Go meddle in someone else's life", I say before walking away or at least try to but shoto grabs my upper arm vaulting me from going further. "What happened at the entrance exam", I looked at him with a bored look before turning away and tugging my arm free. "it was relatively easy, he was right we didn't need to bother with it", I finished before walking into my room and locking the door.

Three days later Hitoshi texted me and said he got into UA but just not into the hero course. I told him I was sorry about that. One thing he said that really bummed me out was that he didn't want anyone at UA to know we were dating until after the UA sports festival, something about rivalry between other classes. I said yes because I could tell he was sad and sorry about. The next week went by so fast i swear I almost got whiplash.

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