Chapter 8

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What the hell! Endeavor is messaging me!? Why the hell would he message me right now? Shouldn't he be doing stuff like i don't know, saving lives?

Go to the front of the building were I dropped you off, NOW

Yea, oh shit. I have no idea what I did but I really don't want to talk or deal with him. Oh god please don't be mad. Okay I know I sound super dramatic but he can be very scary when he wants to be. There's a reason why I've been branded with a scar that crosses over my entire back. He scares the shit out of me sometimes and I'm not even going to deny it. The way he raised shoto and I will forever traumatize us. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.

Putting my phone back in my pocket I open the bathroom door agonizingly slow. I'm just avoiding the inevitable at this point. I walk down the empty halls towards the front of the building, the only sounds that could be heard are my uneven breathes and footsteps. Before leaving I decide against making my father any angrier and concede by melting my ice bun and pulling off the mask. I'm not really sure he would care but I don't want to add fuel to the flame, no pun intended.

As I opened the front door to the building to leave I could see there were other students outside as well, maybe something happened and they all sent the students home and that's why my father decided to pick me up himself today. Yea optimistic thoughts shiori. I search the open lot for one of my fathers car and just when I'm almost sure he's not here my hope is crushed when I see him get out of a a black car near the entrance gate. That's not like him.

Not like him at all. To draw attention to himself in a crowd just to see one of his children. Hell the press barely new about us. And he really didn't t give a damn about any of us except shoto. And he treated me like a backup plan and most of the time treated me like shit or like I didn't exist. So just between us my heart is beating erratically in my chest.

I continue to walk towards him and the crowd that had appeared as soon as he got out of the car. I try to ignore the ongoing commotion at the sighting of endeavor the number two hero. I just keep walking until the only thing standing in between us is the crowd. Looking up at him I can see him glaring straight at me through the small crowd. Maybe in other circumstances I would have tried to go through the crowd but knowing that I'd be met by my father on the other side of this wall of people has my feet planted to the road underneath my feet.

"I'm sorry, but I won't be able to sign any autographs. I only came here to pick up my children. See my daughter is right there if you all would make way please", my fathers gruff voice rang out over the small crowd in front of us as he motioned towards me.

Immediately the crowd parted in front of me making a pathway straight to the only person I can really say scares me. I feel as if time stops when I look up that pathway of people directing me to endeavor. His strong build and demeanor are all the more intimidating. This almost feels like death row, a death sentence for a crime I don't even commit. As far I know at least. I know I sound really dramatic but my father is currently acting out of character and seems far more angrier than usual. The last time that happened it didn't end well for me. Not at all. As I slowly make my way forward I feel the pressure of the people near me that still haven't cleared. All I can hear is their whispering. Some about how they didn't know endeavor had kids. Some even bold enough to question my scar that was visible if you where on my left. It feels like eternity walking to the car even though I am speed walking to the door.

I eventually made it to the car door and entered as soon as my hand made contact with the handle not wanting to deal with all the stares any longer. When I entered I noticed shoto was also seated in the back seat on the other side sitting by the window. As soon I am fully situated in my seat he finally turns to me.

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