"So yeah, welcome to gay Auschwitz." Robin plainly stated. "This is my sixth day here, as you can see by the tally mark carved into my wall." Bakugou let out a soft chuckle. "Hey, -uh. Bakugou, they didn't put any restrictions on my clothing and I don't mind tight shirts." Ito said, holding her t-shirt while looking at Bakugou. "I don't think the instructors will pay too much mind, if you want it."

Gratefully, Bakugou took it and handed her the tank top. Bakugou wasn't super tall or wide, but it was still surprising that Ito was taller. It worked out alright though, the t-shirt was loose and baggy on Bakugou and the shirt wasn't too tight on Ito.


"I swear if I have to yell 'Yes, I am a girl' one more time I'm going to strangle every worker in this camp and then myself." Robin deadpanned. Bakugou huffed a sigh in agreement. "We'll get through this though. Don't go all suicidal on me yet." Bakugou tried to say encouragingly, holding out his hand. They took it anyways, shaking it and smiling. "Tomorrow's my last day, what about you?" Robin muttered, just before loudly confirming they were a girl and were happy to go by their deadname to a worker who smiled triumphantly like this kid was just going to have it yelled out of them. "Tomorrow's my last day too."

The worker moved to Bakugou. "And who do you think you are.?" He yelled, waiting for the usual 'a girl' or 'a boy'. Bakugou simply rolled his eyes. "Well, did you read the file.?" He asked. Robin next to him bit their lip, trying to bite back their smile. "-Wha.." The worker stopped, examining Bakugou, he wore a nonchalant expression, one of his eyebrows quirked up slightly in anticipation. "..Well?" Bakugou asked. "I'll ask you again, what is your name and what were you born as?" He spat, it didn't sound venomous, it sounded defensive.

"Well, you heard this shit already, my name's fucking Bakugou, I was born as a fucking baby." He growled, scowling, something he'd soon be doing subconsciously. The worker was taken aback, almost as if he'd never dealt with something like this before. 

Bakugou crossed his arms. "Girl, just so your pedophile-looking ass doesn't look into my fucking pants. You're a grown ass man being paid to yell at fucking kids who were brave enough to tell their parents who they are and wanted to be. Fuckers like you are disgusting, y'know. Have you ever looked at statistics? Look at us." He spat, gesturing to the line of youth he was in. "All of us lined up so you can yell at us, fucking kids. Two in five trans people have been attacked or threatened with violence in the last five years. Over a third of us are too scared to be themselves because of transphobes like you, they're fucking terrified that they'll be assaulted. Imagine that for a second. Being too scared to dress like a man in fear that small minded dickweasels will try to attack you."

(Idk if this is Bakugou level venom but it's certainly all mine, I'm actually crying right now so this is a vent for me I'm sorry)

"Almost half of trans people have tried to kill themselves. Think about that next time you wake up and get dressed, on you way to work, think about it, wonder to yourself; am I really on my way to work where I harass kids? Because it's disgracefu-.."

"That's enough!" He boomed, slapping Bakugou across the cheek with the back of his hand. Bakugou did nothing but inhale a sharp breath. His hands igniting with small explosions. "Four in five of us get harassed at school. Nine in ten of us have thought about killing ourselves, I have. The day my mom's boyfriend told me to get out. It crossed my mind. My mother made a compromise and sent me here. Did your newborn's dick sized brain know that 72% of us have self harmed?" Bakugou was raging, people were shocked but there for him, the second that shitty worker even attempted to put a finger on Bakugou, he knew, somehow, he knew that at least Robin would have his back.

With his last statement still settling in, Bakugou rolled up his sleeves revealing why he was wearing a skin tight top underneath his t-shirt. Scars, one or two on both arm. "Need anymore proof? Need me to dumb it down? Sorry I don't speak asshat, maybe if you take your head out of your ass I can have a civil conversation with you, dumbass." Bakugou finished. Everything flooded out before he could stop it, his eyes nearly poured the same way the words did. He wiped his eyes, still scowling. He was taking in deep breaths, he had no plans or intentions on blowing up the worker's head. Not right now anyways.

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