The Trial of Caring

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"Unlock the door, Ralph."

Your hand is in your pocket. That's where you keep fibers from Barry and Iris' carpet. Ralph watches your face, carefully. For the first time it crosses your mind that he probably was a good cop. He sees through your skin like it's a second super power. 

"You're gonna plant evidence to frame Marlize." he deducts. "Wow. Sorry for the face, but  didn't think that was your style, tyro."

You don't like feeling caught like this.

"So what? We know she's guilty! And I can't see any other way out of this mess and that makes it the right thing to do."

Ralph nods, lost in thought.

"It's a solid plan, Y/n. Subtle but crafty with a touch of pathos. After this you're gonna sit back and kick up your feet and sleep as sound as a millennial after Burning Man, because you did the right thing."

"If you're making a point, get to it faster."

"You took down a bad, bad chick."


"You know, you're gonna ride that feeling like it's Space Mountain!"

He almost smiles when your upset gaze meets his.

"And when they catch you, that self-righteous indignation is gonna keep your chest puffed and your chin up... because you did the right thing."

"You going somewhere with this?"

"Sure you're gonna be mad for a few years, but it evolves. Turns into self-pity and you've already made it clear you don't like that."

"Ralph, please just..."

He interrupts you one more time, not losing eye-contact.

"A few more years and your life is gonna be a shell of its former self, Y/n. And then, one night, it's gonna dawn on you that you did the wrong thing. And it's gonna ruin everything. You'll turn into the very thing you want to protect Barry from."

It feels like the following moment of silence conveys more than anything he could ever say. Looking into his eyes, you can see his heart, the weight it has carried for so long. And it kinda melts yours.

Ralph finally looks away, shapes his finger into a key and opens the door to Devoe's house.

"Anywho!" he adds, more playfully, looking back at you. "Good luck with that, tyro."

He heads back towards the car. You pull yourself together.

"Dibny, wait!" you call. "Would you mind re-locking the door?"


When you both get into the car again, he seems more relaxed.

"Tyro, it kinda creeps me out when you're staring at me like that."

"Staring? I'm not staring."

"Well, you're doing something."

He turns his head.


You give away a curious smile.

"Why do I get the feeling you were talking from experience?"

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