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*(Luke's X- wing exists from hyperspace over the desert planet of Tatooine.)

R2-D2: *Beeps and Whistles*

Luke: Yes Artoo we're here. Still hasn't changed. (He smiles)

(Luke flies into orbit of the planet. Soon he finds R2 and himself flying of plains desert and Beggars Canyon.)

Luke: Well I'll be. Wanna try it Artoo?

R2-D2: *Bloops and blops*

Luke: Alright then! Let's go! YAAAHOOOO!!!


(Luke dives into the canyon with great speed. He dodges every obstacle in his way. Mountains, huge falling boulders, and even threads the needle through a huge opening in a huge rock formation. Luke then pulls up, out of the canyon.)

Luke: How was that Artoo? (He laughs)

R2-D2: *Blops and beeps*

Luke: Oh no. Maybe some other time old friend. (Still smiling)

(The X-wing then flies its way towards the hive of scum and villainy, Mos Eisley. Spaceships fly in an out of the city like a swarm of insects. The X-wing flies down on one of the many landing docks. Luke exists out of the starfighter. An old Quarren male approaches the Jedi.)

Quarren: Hey! Who gave you permission to land that fighter!?

Luke: (Waving his hand to the alien) You gave me permission to land my fighter here.

Quarren: I gave you permission to land here.

Luke: Now move along.

Quarren: Move along, move along.

(Luke and Artoo make their way throughout the city. Many droids and aliens walk along the streets and speeders flying over the heads of all the residents and homes. Next to a large droid scrap pile, Luke and R2 see a building with music escaping the doorway, filling the air with a jazz style melody.)

Luke: Wait here Artoo.

R2-D2: *Whistles and blops*

(Luke enters the building to find that it was the old cantina Ben Kenobi took him to find a ship to Alderaan. The Max Rebo band playing their melody loud and proud as aliens of all species walk and talk to each other. Luke walks to the bar and orders a drink. He looks around the room. Plenty of memories enter his mind. He looks to the booth where he, Han, Ben and Chewie all sat at. He can still hear the hum of a lightsaber as he remembers how Kenobi saved his life from a pair of cruel pirates. He drinks his beverage and walks back to Artoo. He sees the astromech looking at the pile of trashed droids. He notices R2 looking at an old protocol droid head at the top of the pile.)

Luke: You miss him huh Artoo?

R2-D2: *Whistles and beeps*

Luke: I know. I'll miss him too. (Looks to a speeder shop) Come on.

R2-D2: *Whistles and bloops*

(Luke and Artoo enter the shop. Old rusty ship and speeder parts hung from the ceiling. The shop owner was a heavy man with an orange shirt and a white apron with a jet-black neck beard. Luke looks around and happens to find his old speeder he used when working on the moisture farm with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now