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*(The planet of Exogol is a dark jungle planet with an evil history, as it is a world surrounded by dark side energy. Above the planet is an entire blockade of Star Destroyers. Another Destroyer exists from hyperspace that then has a black shuttle exiting from its hanger as it flies down towards the base. Breaking through the atmosphere, the shuttle flies over a large military encampment. The base completely surrounds a huge dark temple that looks to have been built centuries ago. The shuttle lands elegantly on a landing pad. As it lands, rows of stormtroopers and military officers' line up at attention. General Hux walks towards the shuttle with a huff and his hands behind his back. The landing strip opens with a hiss with steam coming out of the exhaust ports above the strip. Through the steam emerges the dark figure of Darth Toorn marching down the strip. He meets with Hux.)

Hux: Lord Toorn, so glad you could make it to our little extravaganza.

Darth Toorn: Continue with the sarcasm general, and it will get you killed one day. (They start walking) How's the excavation?

Hux: (Gulping) It proceeds very well. The mining team will break through into the main sanctum of the temple in just a few more days.

Darth Toorn: A few more days is turning into a few more hours. We have a very special visitor coming here today and I would not want to see him disappointed.

Hux: I assure you that this is the fastest that these slaves have ever worked.

Darth Toorn: Then perhaps I can find intriguing ways to motivate them.

Hux: (Struggles to speak) The excavation will be done and completed on schedule; I promise you. I just need more time. (They stop walking)

Darth Toorn: Then you will be the one to tell the Supreme Leader that, when he arrives.

Hux: The Supreme Leader is coming here?

Darth Toorn: Yes general, and if you're not finished with your work by then, I wish you luck, for he is less forgiving then I am.

(Toorn and Hux walk away from each other. Hux swears under his breath as a frustrated look comes over his face.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now