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*(The Millennium Falcon, followed by Black Squadron make their way towards the black Super Star Destroyer, the Supremacy. They avoid and destroy multiple TIE fighters and Star Destroyers along the way. Some crash into cruisers whilst other are blown to smithereens. The Falcon along with Poe and Black Squadron soon get close enough to the Star Destroyer to begin their attack run. Auto cannons on the Destroyer rain down heavy fire as the Falcon and Black Squadron fly over the mechanical canyons on the ship.)

Poe: I'm going in!

(Poe flies his X-wing down into one of the canyons to distract the TIE's following the Falcon and the others. Inside the Falcon Chewie and the other fighters fly to the far rear of the Supremacy to find anything to enter the ship and destroy the engines to have the Destroyer fall to the far reaches of space.)

Chewbacca: RRRRAAAAGHHH!!!

(The Falcon and other fighters find a heat sink near the back and blast it open. The Falcon and other fighters dive straight in to do as much damage as possible.)

(Poe has multiple TIE's tailing him along with one bright red TIE piloted by the dreaded Captain Phasma. Poe evades multiple attempts made by Phasma to shoot him down. Phasma blasts one of Poe's Vulture Droid escorts.)

BB-8: *Beeps and blops*

Poe: I know! (Under his breath) That was to close.

(Inside the command bridge of the Destroyer, General Hux overlooks the battle. One of the bridge officers runs up to him in a panic.)

Officer: Sir! Hostile fighters have entered the ship and are laying waste to the engines inside!

Hux: Send in TIE's after them! We cannot allow this ship to be lost!

(The Falcon and the other fighters have destroyed many smaller engines on the inside. TIE fighter soon enter the extremely large engine room. The Falcon and Black Squadron begin to fight off the TIE's whilst also destroying the engines.)

(Poe and Phasma continue their dogfight in the canyons of the Star Destroyer. Their battle is epic and fast paced. Each pilot almost shooting each other down multiple times. Poe flies out from the canyon and Phasma follows.)

BB-8: *Boops and bleeps*

Poe: Don't worry buddy! I have a plan!

(Inside the command bridge, the same officer approaches Hux.)

Officer: General! Our main engines have been taken out of commission!


Officer: Our main engines are gone! The ship is going-!


(Hux pushes past the officer and begins to rush towards the hangar to escape.)

(Inside the engine room, the last few engines are destroyed and the Falcon along with the other fighters escape through the open heat sink. The explosion was large and ran throughout the whole ship. The Falcon with the remaining fighters fly out of the heat sink just in time to escape the furious flames which engulfed all the remaining TIE's that had entered.)

(Inside the Supremacy's hangar, Hux enters one of the escape shuttles.)

Hux: Get me the hell out of here now!

Pilot: We're trying sir!

Hux: Well try harder!

(Poe and Phasma's fight is all over the place now. But Poe knows that he must rejoin the Falcon and the rest of Black Squadron. He sees one of the main hangars on the Destroyer and comes up with a daring idea.)

BB-8: *Boops and bops*

Poe: Something dangerous! Hold on buddy!

BB-8: *Whistles and bloops*

(Poe flies directly towards the hangar with Phasma in hot pursuit. Inside her red TIE fighter, Phasma notices that her target lock on Poe's X-wing is dead on. She places her thumbs over the button to shoot down the starfighter.)

Captain Phasma: I have you now rebel scum!

(Inside the X-wing)

Poe: Alright Beebee-Ate! NOW!

(Poe then makes a sharp turn upward. Phasma has a confused look come over her face.)

Captain Phasma: What?!

(She looks down to the hangar which she will no doubt crash into.)

(Hux looks up through the front viewport of the shuttle to see Phasma's incoming TIE fighter.)

Hux: Oh no.

(The TIE crashes directly into the hangar, then comes into contact with Hux's shuttle. Both spacecraft burst into flames, killing everyone inside the shuttle and the TIE fighter.)

(Poe looks back to the Star Destroyer and sees the Falcon and Black Squadron make it out of the heat sink just in time before the Destroyer could begin its decent down into the far reaches of space. Explosions burst all over the Supremacy as it slowly tilts downwards and lose its altitude.)


(Inside the Falcon, Chewbacca gives out a victorious roar and the crew inside the Corellian freighter give out a cheer.)


(Chewie then notices an LAAT gunship fly directly towards the planets surface. He then receives a holo call. He answers it to see his good friend, Leia Organa.)

Leia: Chewie!


Leia: Family matters, that's why. Please meet me on the ground near the base.


Leia: Thank you Chewie.

(Both the gunship and the Millennium Falcon then fly towards the First Order's ground base, and the Sith temple.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now