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*(Inside the sanctum of the temple, Palpatine walks slowly down the stairs towards Rey. Toorn tries to run to her side but Palpatine uses the Force to drag him and Rey closer. She tries to struggle out of the grip, but it is futile.)

Palpatine: You stand together? (Chuckles) How sweet. But now, it is time for my true... rebirth!

(Sidious uses the Force to then suck the life Force from Rey and Toorn, but something happens. He is slightly pushed back by the immense power of the pair.)

Palpatine: The life Force of your bond... a dyad in the Force. (He looks down to his hands. His fingers begin to slowly regenerate!) If so, then the power of two restores the one... true... Emperor!

Luke: Sidious no!

Palpatine: HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

(Sidious raises his hands towards Rey and Toorn. A bright white glow comes from their chests as a stream of blue emits from Palpatine's finger tips. Toorn and Rey let out screams of anguish as Palpatine laughs manically. The stream ends along with the white glow. Palpatine's eyes glow a bright yellow as he releases Rey and Toorn from his grasp. They fall to the ground with a thump. They both breathe heavily.)

Palpatine: Look what you have made.

(Toorn struggles to stand. Palpatine watches as the young man tries his hardest to make one last stand against him.)

Darth Toorn: I'll...(Coughs) I'll kill you!

Palpatine: (Chuckles) My boy... no... you won't. (He lifts Toorn up into the air with a Force choke and slams him in the ground)

Luke: BEN!!! (He moans due to the wounds inflicted upon him)

(Palpatine then uses the Force to pin Toorn down to the ground. Whist Toorn is on the ground, he and Luke slowly looks over to Rey. She slowly stands up still defiant before the Emperor.)

Palpatine: Hmm... defiant even at the bitter end. You have the strength of a true Jedi. But you are still just a mere child. And children who misbehave... must be punished!

(Palpatine freezes Rey in her place and lifts her up into the air. Rey closes her eyes in fear. Inside her mind all she can see and hear is death and sadness. Order Sixty-Six, Alderaan exploding, the Jedi temple on Coruscant burning. She then sees her parents murdered by Snoke. He releases a laugh so ear piercing it could make a gundarks ears bleed. She sees Han Solo, killed by his own son right in front of her. Voices of many enter her thoughts. Leia, Luke, Han, Ben, Finn, her parents, all scream her name. Then nothing. Pitch black darkness.)

(Palpatine smirks as he sees in just how much pain his granddaughter is in. Luke and Toorn look in terror of what the Emperor is putting Rey through.)

Darth Toorn: Rey... no...

(Inside her mind... nothing. Pitch black darkness. A flash of lighting briefly shows Rey her surroundings. The Sith Temple. Only thing is... no Palpatine. No Toorn nor Luke... but herself. Rey looks to see herself sitting on the Sith throne with milky white eyes, the same as the Emperor's. Dark Rey then looks down on to herself. Her eyes roll down to revel a Sith yellow. She rises from the throne and floats down towards Rey. Rey stares in awe and fear.)

Dark Rey: Don't be afraid of you are. Embrace the darkness.

Darth Toorn: (Appears behind Dark Rey) Like I have... (Smirks)

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