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*(Nightfall on Ajan Kloss. Just outside the base inside the dense jungle, a funeral pyre is set ablaze. On the pyre is Finn's body. Almost every clone, droid and Resistance fighter have attended the funeral along with a hooded Luke and Rey, and a devastated Poe Dameron. Tears stream down Rey and Poe's faces at the loss of their friend. All the memories with Finn enter their minds from where they first met, fighting with the front lines with him, to all the times they've talked and laughed with each other throughout the war. R2-D2 and C-3PO stand next to the pyre and everyone gives the droids space. Artoo aims his holoprojector as high as he can and activates the projector. Emitting from the astromech, is the image of a young and beautiful Princess Leia. Everyone looks up to the sky as the picture of Leia illuminates brightly in the sky alongside the bright orange blaze of Finn's pyre. A small tear goes down Luke's face as he views the image of his sister. From his cell built into the mountain base, Ben Solo watches the funeral and looks at the image of his mother in the sky. He backs away and slumped down to the floor.)

(The next day, a celebration. A celebration of triumph over the defeat of the First Order. Inside the main hanger, below the bow of the Millennium Falcon, stands Admiral Ackbar holding three golden medals. Every clone, battle droid and Resistance fighter stands to celebrate the three heroes: Rey, Poe, and Chewbacca. The wookie receives his medal first, then Commander Dameron, then finally, Jedi Knight Rey. She looks to Luke who stands next to Ackbar in his white Jedi robes. He smiles to his student as she receives her reward. The three turn around to face the soldiers and everyone cheers. Rey looks down as if she is questioning something. She turns to Luke.)

Luke: What is it Rey?

Rey: Master Skywalker, can I see him?

Luke: (Thinks for a moment) That you may. (He smiles)

Rey: (An excited look comes over her) Thank you Master!

(Rey runs off deeper into the base towards the detention center as everyone else in the room congratulates Poe and Chewbacca for their heroics. Rey then enters the detention block in which Ben Solo is being held. She walks to his cell and notices the two guards standing at the entrance to the cell. Ben looks in surprise to see Rey standing there. His heart begins to race at the sight of her.)

Ben: Rey?

Rey: (To the guards) May I speak to him please?

(The guards look at each other then back at Ben.)

Guard: No funny business Solo.

Rey: He can be trusted, I assure you.

Guard: As you say commander. (They walk away)

Rey: How are you doing?

Ben: I'm... I'm getting there. (Walks to the cell bars)

Rey: I know. But every step counts.

Ben: Yes... they do. I'm sorry Rey. For everything that I've done. To you, Luke, everybody. I should never have done such horrible things. (Places his hands over the bars)

Rey: There's no need for you to apologize Ben. That was Toorn, not you.

Ben: Rey, things will change. Though there is no justifying my actions. I was in such horrible darkness that I saw no end to. Yet you and Luke saved me. But I can't bring back the people I've murdered or comfort their widows and orphans. I can't undo what I did to the Jedi and the Republic.

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