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*(Rey and BB-8 go out into the jungles to train, but mostly, getting out all the anger pent up inside of her. She hated seeing her master and Leia so distraught with grief and sorrow over the loss of Lando. She had heard the stories of Calrissian and of his heroics throughout the war with the Empire. Hearing the death of a hero effected almost every Resistance fighter on the planet. Thick green foliage whipped past Rey as she ran. She jumped over tangled ferns, jumped massive gorges and swung on hanging vines. She could do this all day. Rey was also impressed on how BB-8 kept up with her, whether it was on Jakku, Takodana or Ajan Kloss. Near the end of the training trail, old training remotes flew up all around her. Rey unhooked the Skywalker blade from her belt and ignited it. The remotes begin to blast out shots towards her, but the young Jedi blocks each one.)

(On Exogol, Darth Toorn sits on his bed staring at the helmet of his grandfather. He can still hear the breathing, matching his own. He closes his eyes to meditate, to allow the darkness and anger inside him to flourish. But all he sees, is her.)

(One remote after another falls to the ground after a shot is deflected back towards them. One more remote, Rey noticed. She jumped over the small mechanical sphere with great speed and threw her lightsaber at it, cutting it clean in half. Her lightsaber returned to her hand with a satisfying smack. She then deactivates the blade and fall on the ground, sweat drenching her collar.)

(Toorn opens his eyes to see that he no longer on the darkened world of Exogol, but on the lush world of Ajan Kloss. He stands up looking all around him. "How the hell-?", he thought. He saw her. He crouched down behind a large log and looks down at the scavenger. "It's her. She's here! But where is here?", he thought. Toorn watched as the small BB unit approaches Rey.)

BB-8: *Beeps and blops*

Rey: Yes Beebee-Ate, I am tired.

BB-8: *Bloops and bleeps*

Rey: Oh yeah? Well you're a droid. You don't get tired. (Chuckles)

BB-8: *Whistles and blops*

Rey: Okay... you're right. We should head back.

BB-8: *Beeps and boops*

Rey: Oh, shut up. (Laughs)

(Toorn continues to watch with great interest. He hadn't seen Rey smile in such a long time. It kind of brought a warm feeling to his heart. He had never met such a woman who had such drive and aspiration in her heart. To him she was the perfect counterpart. A light in his darkness, the voice that calls to him in his dreams. He couldn't help but smile.)

(Rey and the droid began to walk back to the Resistance base when suddenly, out of the bushes came a gang of raiders armed to the teeth about to take on the Jedi.)

Lead Raider: Well, well, well. Look at what he got here boys! A Jedi!

Gungan Raider: Ooo, moy moy! Meesa want to shee what Jedi insides looka likea.

Lead Raider: Calm down Wees. (Eyes on Rey's lightsaber) Excuse me missy, we're gonna need that lightsaber of yours.

Rey: Too bad you won't be able to get it. (Sternly)

Lead Raider: Ooohh is that right? Looks like we got a feisty one here boys! (All the raiders chuckle) You know girly, we could use a new dancer. We had to feed our last one to a Rancor for stealing. (Laughs)

Rey: You filthy pig!

(She kicks the raider in the balls but the gungan hits Rey with the butt of his blaster rifle knocking her down to the ground as she becomes dazed from her weak and tired muscles and from being hit on the head.)

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