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*(The battle inside and outside the fort rages on. AT-ST's rain down on Resistance positions as TX-130 tanks return suppressive fire and T-47 air speeders fly overhead the battle chasing down any LIUV they come across in the down burning down jungle. Utter chaos. General Rex and his clone platoon, along with the remaining Resistance and C.I.S Forces hold down the frontlines just outside the fort as they have been pushed back out by AT-ST's unleashing powerful barrages that could wipe out entire platoons of soldiers. Rex spots Finn and what remains of his platoon of fighters running outside the fort, being chased down by an AT-ST and squads and squads of stormtroopers. Finn jumps down next to Rex just in time before the walker can shoot him down.)

Finn: Sir! Almost all of my platoon has been wiped out by the walkers and air support can't help because of the battle in space! What are we gonna do!?

Rex: We've got to hold out! Keep fighting!

Finn: If we keep fighting we'll all die! We need reinforcements!

Rex: Reinforcements won't arrive in time!

(Finn looks to his right and sees an intact LIUV speeder along with a large stubby tail slithering its way into what remains of the jungle. Finn then runs to the speeder.)

Rex: Hey kid! Where are you going!?

Finn: Don't worry! I have a plan!

Rex: (Puts his hand on his helmet) Oh I have a bad feeling about this. (He continues to fight alongside his men)

(Finn hops inside the speeder and then chases after whatever had that large tail. He avoids tree after tree chasing down the creature. Finn soon gets a good look at what the creature truly is... a Rancor.)

Finn: Oh man. (Pulls out his blaster pistol) Please let this work.

(Finn then shoots the Rancor in its back, but the blaster bolt ricochets off the Rancor's armored back plating and into a tree. The monster turns around and quickly notices Finn in the land speeder. It roars down to him and tries to grab hold of the vehicle, but Finn quickly turns around and speeds off back towards the battlefield. As Rex continues his fight with his remaining Forces, he turns his head to his right as he hears a loud roar emerge from the jungle. He then sees Finn speeding over the battlefield.)

Finn: General! I've found our reinforcements!

Rex: What the-?

(Rex turns over to the trees to see the mighty Rancor burst out from the trees. It roars loudly and is then pelted by blasterfire from the stormtroopers and cannons on the walls of the fort and charges towards them. The creature then uses its humongous arms to sweep the troopers away and then rams into the canons. The Rancor pounds down onto the walls, creating a whole new breach in the First Order's defenses.)

Rex: Well I'll be. The kid really did it! (Looks back to his troops) ALRIGHT MEN! LETS TAKE THIS DUNG HEAP!!!

(The Resistance Forces along with the clones and droids charge into the base, unleashing everything they got on any stormtroopers or officer that got in their way. Finn crashes his speeder into an AT-ST and bails at the last second. He to then joins Rex and his Forces in their charge into the base. The Rancor begins to wrestle with many walkers and destroys multiple buildings. Finn shoots two stormtroopers guarding one of their barracks and enters. Inside he sees all the enslaved miners who have taken refuge from the battle. One stands up.)

Miner: Are you here to help us?

Finn: That I am. (Picks up one of the dead troopers blasters and hands it to the miner) But will you help us?

Miner: (Looks back to the others and takes the blaster) We will.

(The other miners stand, taking anything they can use as weapons. Finn then leads them outside into the battle. The Rancor destroys one last AT-ST then returns back into the trees. Finn and the miners then regroup with Rex and the others and continue the fight.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now