He did not laugh with her at the bad joke she had made.

"Honestly. We should not even be here." He looked outside, taking in the ground that was beginning to fade of the wheatgrass from the Fall Kingdom they had just passed through.

"Lumi let's be reasonable. A summer soul in the winter Kingdom will not last long."

"Daddy," the girl shook her head, a half-smile curling up her lips, "will you stop worrying?"

The sentence only made him worry more.

"If he rejects you..."

"Then I will go back home."

The King sighed, pulling a frustrated hand through his dark hair. He felt like pulling it out from all the anxiety he was feeling.

There was another moment's pause before he whispered, "I'm sorry."

The girl leaned her head to stare at him.

"I...It's because of me that we are in this situation...and all I can offer is..." he swallowed, the sound thick within his throat as he struggled to say the right words.

"Lumi...I know you did not ask for this but...thank you."

They stared at one another. The girl smiled, catching the King off guard as she reached forward and took his hand.

"Of course Daddy."

Soon the summer carriage entered the winter lands.

The King held his tongue as he watched his daughter shiver against the cold. The light long sleeves that she had worn in preparation were the thickest clothes she owned.

She smiled at him before staring back out the window.

"Look!" He looked to where she was pointing.

"Snow," she awed at the sight, her eyes filling with excitement at seeing it for the first time.

The King raised his nose at it.

"Nothing but wet cold lumps."

"But look at how pretty it is Daddy," she leaned further out the window, "it almost hurts my eyes to look- it's so blindingly white."

The King sighed. If it hurt her, then why did she have to look at it?

"Are you cold?"

Lumi conversed with the guards that were nearby, laughing with them at the temperature change.

"I hope the horses are okay," she stared at the creatures in concern, watching as one shivered after a gust of north wind hit its flesh.

"They will be fine Princess," one guard said, smiling at the care she displayed.

The other guards watched with equal smiles matching their faces.

A mixture of sadness was hidden within their features as well.

They did not want to see their princess leave.

Her excitement was infectious though. Soon they were entering the main royal road that ran through the Glistening City.

Princess Lumi stared at everything with wide eyes, taking in the ice sculptures, bundled children, and various stands that sold hot chocolate or cider.

Each person stopped to stare at the brilliant gold carriage. They matched the Princess in wide eyes of astonishment as their eyes traced the golden vines that laced the wheels, and rays that adorned the side.

When the Sun Fell |✔|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant