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I watched her walk into her own house, and she seemed more comfortable outside. She looked around before setting her things down on the couch.

I followed her, taking off my boots since I knew they weren't as clean as her floors looked. I set them by the door and turned to see her moving into the kitchen. Half way to her house her stomach growled so loud that she had turned a delicious shade of pink.

She had looked pissed when she woke up and saw the nurse laughing at the foot of her bed with me, but she had calmed down a bit when she didn't come back in. I had spent the night in a light sleep, waking up when they came in to check her vitals, her breathing, her IV bags to keep her hydrated.

Somewhere around 3 am I could not fall back asleep, so I stayed up and watched her sleep for a bit. I also watched a bit of TV and talked to Luke and made plans to take her home today.

She wasn't questioning too much, which was good, I didn't want to have to tell her that I couldn't tell her things. She was going with our flow and I was glad. She seemed laid back and relaxed, and maybe that was because she usually works with the kids and they always do and ask and probably say a whole lot of ridiculous things.

She went into a pantry and I moved to look inside too. She barely had anything but I did see some things I knew how to make. She sighed like she didn't see anything and turned to me. "Takeout ok?" She asked me and I laughed.

"I can make something." I told her and she started to tell me how she didn't have anything but I walked over, opened the pantry back up and took out the can of plain tomato sauce, the pasta that was kind of a bit of everything mixed together. There were elbow noodles, the bowtie ones, and some small macaroni noodles. I set them out and she looked confused so I went over, looking in a couple other cabinets before she cleared her throat and opened a drawer that had all the spices in a line.

I took out the ones I needed, and she took out the pots. I got the things all set out and I looked over at her. "I can't believe you know how to cook." She took a look at me and then what I had pulled out and she sighed. "I guess it isn't that hard."

"I am the only son and my mom taught me how to cook for myself before I moved out." I told her and she nodded.

"So I guess you have sisters since you said son and not child." She told me and I nodded. "How many?"

"Two, both younger." I told her and she nodded again. I remembered what she had said about her brother and I knew it was not my place to ask, but I wanted to know if she was okay after that. "Tara is close to me, she works at the bar in the club house on weekends and at the one near our shop every weekday."

"She works 7 days a week?" Noelle asked and I nodded and she seemed to think about it before shrugging.


"Is she in a relationship?"

"Oh no. No, not her." I shook that off right away. Tara isn't supposed to date. Neither is my baby sister but thankfully she was still living with my mom and my mom didn't let her go out much.

"Too young?"

"She's older than our baby sister, but she isn't allowed to date." I told her, knowing that Tara didn't date, and the reason being is because if I found out I would have one of the brothers follow her and tell me all about it, and maybe meet them at her house when he brings her home.

"Why?" I didn't know why, but I didn't like why she seemed confused over something simple. Didn't her brother and dad not want her dating men, or rather boys, when she was young?

Ryan (Razorback MC Book 2)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now