Chapter 22: Oh & Empty

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"What do you mean it's empty?" Anton asked Natalia and Alessandro who sat in his office.

"I don't think I can get more descriptive than that father. There was nothing in it." Natalia told him glancing at Alessandro who was looking at her father.

"It was obviously a trap. Who gave you the tip?" Alessandro asked him, "Eric..." He trailed off.

"You don't think-" Natalia started.

"-That he's working with R? It could be a possibility," Anton said, making her sigh. Everyone fell silently thinking about possible suspects.

"What about that guy?" Alessandro was the one who spoke up. "Who?" She asked.

"Your ex...Ray?" A smile broke from her usually stoic face. "You mean Ryan?" He nodded.

"He's not smart enough to plan something like this, but now that you said something, he and Eric seemed to be comfortable around each other. I'll send someone to follow him around."

"Alright. Natalia, I want you to work on this and Alessandro if you plan to extend your stay I think she'd want some help." Alessandro glanced at her, with a devilish look in his eyes.

"That won't be necessary, father." She told him, earning a small smile from Alessandro as he spoke. "Actually I'd be happy to extend my visit, especially since we just signed our alliance contract. I'd be happy to lend my resources."

"Good, but I should warn you my wife is probably going to throw a party because of our new alliance," Anton told him making Alessandro smile as he gaze into Natalia's eyes.

"I love a good party...especially how they end." She knew exactly what he was referring to. 

"On that note, I'll see you two tonight at the party." They both sent him a nod before leaving the office.

"I didn't think you would sign the contract with my father after everything that happened," Natalia said as they walked towards her room.

"Did you want me to hold a grudge?" She shook her head, "No, I'm glad you signed with him." He raised an eyebrow glancing at her.

"Why is that?"

"Are you going to make me say it?" Natalia asked him as they stopped at her room door, "I'd love to hear you say it." He took a step towards her making her back hit the door.

"What would I get if I said it?" Alessandro smirked amused leaning into her lips. "You have to tell me first."

"You drive a hard bargain, Mr Anderson." She whispered while her eyes stared at his lips, which he wetted with his tongue. "I try, now are you going to tell me?"

"I wanted you to stay." She watched as his smile got brighter, he caught her lips with his pressing her body against the door.

She felt her whole body relax against his lips because this is what she needed all day...all week, she just wanted him, she just wanted to be in his arms.

Her arms wrapped around his neck pushing her body closer to his.

Alessandro ran his tongue against her bottom lip asking her to let him in and she didn't hesitate as she opened her mouth giving him access to explore her with his tongue.

Her hands moved down his body going to his belt but he stopped her, bringing both her hands above her head, she tried to move them but his grip was tight telling her to keep them up as he let go of them, lifting her. 

Her legs wrapped around his waist as brought her into, her room closing the door with a slam.

Natalia didn't how but her body was already being placed on the bed.

MAFIA: HYPNOTIZED BY HER| BOOK 1 ✔ (COMPLETED) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu