She nods her head and runs off to find Andie.

Suddenly a huge crowd of kids rush through the hallway and head out of the building. I hear a car come to the driveway and loud yells and screams of excited people. I wait by the stairs just like mom told me to in the instructions she gave me.

A girl with blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She comes up to me and I say,

"Hey, you must be the new student." I say slightly blushing.

"Yeah my name is Jessica, Jessica Wilcox." she says reaching out to shake his hand.

"Parker, Parker Rooney." I say shaking her hand.

"Wait, as in Jessica Wilcox as in Josh Wilcox's little sister/model?" I say in disbelief.

"Yeah, guilty!!" she says in a sing-songy voice.

"Well, let me show you all the perks about being underage in high school."  I says as I straighten my backpack.

"What class do you have first?" I ask.

She looks down at her schedule and says,

"Uhh, gym."

"Cool, I have that class too." I say blushing.

She is really pretty. I wonder if she likes what I like. Then Liv and Maddie walk up to us. Dang it! I thought I really wanted alone time with Jessica so I can get to know her.

"OMG, Liv Rooney!!" she squeals.

"Oh, hi! You must be Josh's little sis. I have heard so much about you!" Liv gushes.

"Really? But Josh has only been on Voltage for like a day." she says confused.

"Yeah well, Josh talks a lot during the break between each take." Liv says sighing.

"Yeah, that sounds like Josh..." she says sighing as well.

She looked really cute doing that. I blush.

"Well, me and Jessica are heading off to gym. So if you will excuse us." I say as I am  trying to shove them aside.

"Ooooooh, Parker's got a girlfriend!!!" says Liv and Maddie in a sing-songy voice behind us.

We look at each other and blush really hard. We walk to the gym and I go into the locker room to change. I finish getting dressed and go onto the courts to meet up with Jessica. Maddie and her were talking. I walk up to them and they were talking about basketball. Dad blows the whistle to huddle us up. I was really close to Jessica. Our shoulders touched. I blush and look at her and she is blushing as well.

We do some exercises then we go to our next class. We have robotics class next. Now she can see Dr.P in action. We walk into the classroom and put on our goggles. Me and Jessica sit next to each other. We start to work on a robot that will make waffles all by itself. 

By the end of class me and Jessica were done with the robot and we decide to test it.

"I got this," I said with confidence.

"I know the perfect person to test this. And he does it for free." I say.

"JOEY!!!!" I yell across the room.

"Yes,...." said Joey skipping through the room.

Ugh, why does my brother have to be a munch why can't I have a cool brother like Jessica? I thought in my head.

I convince Joey to try our robot and he does. I power it on and the robot starts to work perfectly. It successfully works and makes fluffy pancakes for the entire class.

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