Start from the beginning

"Mr. Jones! What do you think you're doing?! This is the last time that I let you fall asleep in this class!" yelled Mrs. Morgan at the boy who was talking to me, looking mad.

The boy now was holding his head, as he said angrily "I wasn't sleeping! It was this psycho who hit my head on the desk!" he pointed towards Rosalie who was sitting innocently, as if nothing happened.

"And a false accusation to that! Please stop lying to me Mr. Jones! I could clearly see that Miss Hale and Miss Summers were sitting straight as I turned. If it was Miss Hale I would see her turn around." said Mrs. Morgan looking even more pissed off "That's it, please stand up Mr. Jones! You're going to the principal's office, I've had enough of the sound of your snoring and you hitting the desk on my lessons!"

I just sat there shocked, as the Jones boy left the classroom, I turned to look at Rosalie who was looking at me too. When she noticed that she had my attention, she simply wicked at me with a smirk and then returned to making notes again as if nothing happened.

I stared at her in shock, before whispering "Thank you."

The rest of the lesson was quite nice, Rosalie and I still didn't talk to each other but the atmosphere around us was calm and nice. When the bell rang, I packed my things, noticing that Rosalie was already packed and leaving. It didn't surprise me, I mean she helped me but we weren't friends, so I just let her go and do whatever she wanted.

After a few more boring lessons I went to the cafeteria. Once there I sat at one of the empty tables pulling out my thermos and history book knowing that's my next class. During my lessons I noticed that I was way ahead from others which made me being here a little easier, teachers also didn't really pay attention to me which was good.

To be honest, I just wanted to graduate and move away to open a flower shop. But above all I wanted to be alone, I don't need anyone and sure as hell I don't want anyone needing me.

I was so distracted by my own thoughts, that I never noticed people who just entered the cafeteria and were heading towards my table. That is, until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see a group of teenagers looking a bit too old to be still going to high school standing near me, I also noticed Rosalie among them.

They clearly were waiting for me to respond, so I stopped thinking and said "Em... hi?"

A fairy-like girl smiled at me widely and said in an excited voice "Hello! Can we sit with you?"

I blinked and tried to smile, feeling very confused "Yeah, sure. I was about to leave anyway, so the table is yours." with that I started gathering my things, but the girl stopped me by sitting next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down with surprising strength.

Okay. What the actual fuck?

"Stay with us! I'm Alice Cullen by the way, we all would really love to meet you" she said as the others started sitting down. I nodded at her feeling really uncomfortable with sitting with a group of strangers. But Alice didn't seem to notice as she hugged me.

Okay, so officially I was feeling weird as hell, I looked towards the others as they all looked ready to facepalm. After a moment a blonde guy looked at me apologetically and poked Alice.

"Alice, she's uncomfortable."

Thankfully, it made Alice let go and say "Sorry! I just feel like we're already best friends!" I nodded slightly at her, counting down minutes to the end of lunch, as she started talking again.

"Okay so, this is Edward Cullen." she pointed towards the bronze haired guy, I nodded at him and he returned it with a slight smirk pulling at his lips.

PAIN | Jasper Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now