Beast gave a small new before settling herself into Kazi's lap. Kazi smiled before proceeding to go back to their book and writing notes. After a while, they heard a loud knock at the door, that awoke Ginger and she started to bark in excitement.

[Someone at the door?] Amaya signs at Kazi in surprise. [Are we expecting anyone?]

[Maybe Ginger's owner is back early?] Kazi suggests and shrugs. [I'll check, stay here.]

Beast was not too happy to be removed from her sleeping spot as Kazi placed her on the couch on Amaya's lap before heading to the door with Ginger eagerly following. If the corgi was this excited, maybe her owner was back and forgot to message Amaya to alert her? They opened the door to find the tall red haired man Gren from the other day, his cheeks flushed pink from the cold and Ginger barked in excitement as she jumped around.

"Oh! We weren't expecting you until tomorrow!' Kazi exclaims in surprise as they step aside to let him in.

"I kind of forgot that I was actually coming back today. And my phone died during the plane ride, I forgot my charger cable so I didn't get a chance to message Amaya to let her know." Gren apologized before bending down to pick a happy Ginger up. "Oh I missed you too! Daddy missed you very much! Have you behaved yourself while I was away?"

"Oh she was very well behaved, we didn't even have to worry about picking up little messes in places they weren't supposed to be." Kazi assures him as Amaya walks over to them with a pleased looking Beast in her arms. "Though... someone wasn't too happy about having a guest over."

"Aw, your roommate's cat didn't like Ginger?" Gren asked as he reached over to pet the cat on her head. "Did she behave around her at least? She's very friendly to cats, I thought there wouldn't be any problems."

[Oh she behaved, it was this little stinker that was being a bit bratty.] Amaya signs before handing Beast to Kazi. [She got a bit jealous from the attention Ginger was getting, but they didn't break out into a fight. Closest we got to one was when she smacked Ginger on the nose when she got too close to her cat food and tried to lick it.]

"Ginger, you know cat food isn't good for your tummy." Gren scolds the corgi, who was giving him an innocent look. "Now don't give me that look, that was rude."

"You look tired and cold, would you like something warm to drink?" Kazi asks as Amaya grabs Gren's hand to drag him to the living room. "We have some delicious hot chocolate my parents sent us for Christmas, if you don't like coffee or tea."

"You sure? I don't want to intrude." Gren asked as Amaya had him sit down on the couch.

"You seem exhausted from your flight, and the least we could do is give you something to warm you up."

"I wouldn't hurt to have a cup of tea."

"Tea it is then! I'll just wash my hands." Kazi carefully dropped Beast to the floor before they hurry into the kitchen.

[Your other roommate won't mind, will she?] Gren asks Amaya as he hands her Ginger so he could remove his coat. [I don't want to be rude.]

[Janai won't mind, she'd probably be a little too ecstatic to have you over as a guest.] Amaya signs back. [So, your trip was fun?]

[Oh yes! My family was happy to have me over and-] Gren gave a small yelp of surprise as Beast leapt right onto his lap and laid herself down, looking straight at Ginger the entire time.

[Seems like Beast is getting a bit territorial.] Amaya signs with a hint of a smile on her lips. [All week Ginger has been glued to my side, and that kind of made Beast a bit jealous but she couldn't even push her away from me.]

[I guess she believes it's only fair that she gets to sit on my lap if Ginger has been occupying yours.] Gren chuckled and gently used two fingers to rub between the cat's ears, earning a little purr from her. "You seem like a nice cat, too bad you couldn't get along with Ginger as well as I hoped."

"Tea is almost ready!" Kazi calls from the kitchen. "You're not allergic to chamomile are you?"

"Not at all!" Gren says loudly in response before looking back to Amaya.

[I've noticed at times when you get nervous or lost in thought you rub your wrist.] Amaya signs and Gren glanced down at his hands to find he was rubbing his wrist. [That's an odd habit]

[It's nothing, really.] He signs back. [As you said, habit of mine.]

[I'm not the one making you nervous, am I?]

She was giving him a concerned look before she suddenly reached over and grabbed his hand. Gren felt his cheeks grow warm, silently praying his face wasn't as red as he hoped.

[Am I making you nervous?] Amaka asks.

[No.] Gren immediately signs. Actually you are but I am not going to admit this.

Before Amaya could sign anything, Gren hears the door swing open, followed by a "I'm home!" that sent Ginger into an excited frenzy and immediately kept off Amaya's lap to greet who had come in. Beast turns to give him a very unamused look before hopping off his lap and walked off, leaving him and Amaya alone.

"Kazi, who's car is parked outside- oh!" Gren turns to find Amaya's other roommate, Janai, standing near with her arms filled with some groceries and a surprised look on her face. "Well, this is a surprise, weren't expecting you to be back this early."

"Ah...sorry about that." Gren says quickly as he immediately stands up, forgetting that Amaya was still holding his hand. "I came to pick up Ginger and her things, and drop something off here."

"Right." Janai says, her eyes straying to the two's hands and smiled. "Well let me put this away and we'll give you a hand in collecting Ginger's things."

Why did it sound like she put an emphasis on "hand"? Gren wondered as Janai walked back towards the kitchen. That was when he noticed Amaya was still holding his hand. And he was absolutely sure now that his face was just as red as a tomato, and that she could see it.

[Did she say something?] Amaya signs at him and Gren felt his face flush a little redder. Did she not notice she was still holding his hand? 

[She...said she'll help get Ginger's things after she puts food away.] Gren signs back, carefully pulling his hand away to be able to sign with both hands.

[Your face looks red, are you sick?] Amaya stands up and places a hand on his forehead. [You feel very warm and looked flushed, better drink that tea Kazi made.]

[Not sick, just a bit...cold.] Gren assures her. Oh if only she knew why his face was so red right now.

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