The warped villain, Kurogiri, splits one warp into multiples. The Nomu continue on crushing All Might's hip until it bleeds more.

All Might: (Ouch! That's my weak spot! Stop it!)

All Might let go of the Nomu's waist and concentrated on getting the Nomu's grip off of him.

All Might: (What power!)

Metalgelas: I won't let you!

Kurogiri created another warp that got Metalgelas to run into and was teleported in the air. The monster react quickly and landed on the ground in front of Midoriya, Gai, Mineta, and Asui.

Gai: Oh my god! You nearly landed on us and crushed us.

Metalgelas: It was that warp-looking human who transported me here.

All Might: This is your first offense? You'd better prepare yourselves...

Shigaraki is scratching his neck again.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take in someone as great as you.

He began warping a giant warp gate behind All Might.

Kurogiri: You are too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate... and year you apart is my job.

Gai: Tsu.

Asui: What is it, Bado?

Gai: Carry Aizawa-sensei.

Asui: Ribbit?

Gai: Now.

Asui: Okay... But why?

Midoriya: Are you also going to...

Gai nods that he is also going to help him.

Gai: Metalgelas, we're going back to help All Might.

Metalgelas: Yes.

The three began running to the direction where All Might and the villains are.

Mineta: Midoriya! Badoraku!

While they were running, Gai hopped on Metalgelas' back and he has to run on four legs like a normal rhino.

Gai: Midoriya! Hop on!

Midoriya nods and jumped on Metalgelas' back.

Midoriya/Gai: All Might!

All Might: (Young Midoriya? Young Badoraku? What are you both...)

They both jumped off of Metalgelas' back and reached their hands to All Might, but Kurogiri got in the way.

Kurogiri: How foolish.

They both nearly got inside of the warp gate, but Bakugo came out of nowhere and explodes the villain's neck.

Bakugo: Move! You're in the way, Deku! Take that!

Bakugo pins Kurogiri down on the ground, Todoroki freezes the right side of the Nomu's limbs.

All Might: (He's frozen? Young Todoroki?!)

Todoroki: All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might.

All Might finally breaks free from the Nomu's grip and jump to next to Todoroki.

Midoriya: All Might!

Kirishima jumps in the air and was about to slam Shigaraki down, but he moved out of the way.

Kamen Rider X My Hero Academia: The New Hero (Canceled)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें