"I should not tire you out," he said and you shook your head,

"No, do stay." You insisted, "Tell me what is happening. I will lose my mind if I stay in this room any longer."

"Everything is the same," Hvitserk shrugged, "We're still hunting down who the culprit was, people are still in the Great Hall, and a lot of people are worried about you. People of Kattegat, people who weren't at the feast."

"People of Kattegat?" You felt the need to repeat and he nodded.

"Don't look so surprised, princess," he said, "They like you."

A small smile warmed your face and Hvitserk sighed.

"What else... As far as Ivar is concerned, everyone in that hall can be held responsible for the incident so Bjorn and Ubbe had to talk to him for about two hours to convince him not to kill everyone who was present at the feast."

"Hvitserk, you can't let him-"

"I have nothing to say to Ivar," he cut you off and you blinked dumbly,

"You don't mean that."

"I do mean that. Everyone around me may be naïve enough to believe that his fury proves him not guilty, but-"

"It wasn't him." You insisted and Hvitserk frowned.

"And how would you know that?"

You opened your mouth, then closed it again, heaving a deep sigh.

"I've been trying to remember what happened that night, and I keep reliving it." You said, "I...I have an idea."

"What idea?"

"I need to be sure first." You said, "But trust me. It wasn't Ivar."

Hvitserk looked like he wanted to insist, then decided otherwise, but your mind wandered off to your dream once again. You kept thinking about it for some reason, it gave you warmth that was lovely.

Lovely to think it could ever happen.

"I didn't come here to..." You trailed off, "To wither and die."

Hvitserk scoffed, "Well, looks like Ivar is being a proper husband, huh? What with tattling on people to his wife."

"No one is-" You started, then stopped talking immediately as soon as what he had said downed on you.


Hvitserk had actually said it to Ivar.

"I-" You stammered, the disbelief taking over you, "We- what? No, you mustn't fight, Hvitserk. Really, it's not the time for that."

It wasn't a dream.

Ivar was actually there, that night.

Holding your hand, praying by your side, pleading you to come back.

It was real.

"Maybe he's not as ideal as you seem to make yourself believe." Hvitserk sounded almost sulky and you cleared your throat, trying to focus.

"Ideal?" You repeated, "How naïve do you take me for?"

"With the way you look at him?" he said slowly, "Very naïve, Y/N."

You held his gaze, a mocking smile playing on your lips before you turned your attention to the window, "Who's that?"


"That man, building those things."

"Floki." Hvitserk said, "He's um- he was our father's friend. The best boat builder in the world."

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now