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Draco and Tom were sitting together in the common room of Slytherin. The dark green light which was cast around was calming to them. The air was chilled, and the black sea shine through the windows, adding to the dreary atmosphere. Something which all Slytherins vastly enjoyed, though Draco sometimes wondered what the other houses would think if they saw. It was no shock that theor common room was incredibly expensive too look at.

It was the envy of quite a few other houses when some of the interior was described vaguely

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It was the envy of quite a few other houses when some of the interior was described vaguely. Everything was of the highest quality. Then again, who would expect anything less from the Slytherin House?

"Severus is meeting with the other professors and Dumbledore." Tom muttered softly. Draco hummed his acknowledgment. "You trust him?" The other asked softly, flames flickering in the fireplace.

"Yes," Draco said simply. If there was anyone who deserved trust it was Severus. The man had proven himself over and over and over again. To not trust him would be a slight to him, and Draco was not fond of preconceived slights. He had proved to Draco more than a billion times as to why Severus was an important ally.

"Than I shall as well."Tom replied calmly. "Do you think that he knows of what we are doing?" Draco laughed a bit at the question.

"Of course he does." Draco said softly. The man had an eye for observation it would have been obvious the first day. "He will not likely interfere though. Just watch. I shall bet that the moment the meeting is done, he will find a way to contact us and request audience before the second day is out." Draco stated confidently. He knew his godfather better than almost anyone.

"How can you be so sure?" Tom asked, curious, as he carded his hands through the younger boy's hair, allowed the boy to lay in his lap. Draco looked up at him, blue eyes serious.

"Because, no matter what...Severus dislikes Dumbledore. Sure, the man may work under him, and perhaps even handle his presence well, but people like Severus do not get along very well with Gryffindors. Most Slytherins can tolerate their presence unless they do something stupid, but Severus finds it extremely difficult. Not that I blame him." Tom looked at Draco curiously. Draco pressed his lips together but eventually decided that it would not cause too much harm to speak of it.

"Promise you will not utter a word of this to Severus." He asked, blue eyes shining.

"Promise." Tom quickly agreed. Draco narrowed his eyes. "I promise I will not allow Severus to know what you are going to speak to me of." Draco was much more satisfied with that. More binding. Such a Slytherin. Though Tom had to say he was slightly irked that the other did not trust him, he also had to admire the fact that Draco was smart enough to both know not to trust him, and to dare to get him to bind himself more to his promise to the youth.

"There was this group of Gryffindors when he was in school. They bullied him mercilessly. My father, before he turned as cruel as he currently is now, helped him several times, and introduced him to the Dark Lord. Severus found purpose. While Dumbledore constantly let them slide by because they were from his house, the Slytherins did not stand for such things. They even began sending older students to stay with Severus at all times." Draco admitted. Tom nodded, thoughtful. Both at the fact that Severus had been bullied by Gryffindors and Dumbledore's negligence (which made his blood boil), as well as the fact that Lucius used be kinder.

"That is..quite interesting." Tom stated carefully.

"I know." Draco sighed heavily. He had started, he may as well continue on. "Severus was broken long before that. Slytherin helped him find his place. It gave him much more confidence than he had previously. A lot of people think that it was the Dark Lord which began the hatred of our house, but...People did not even know that the Dark Lord was a Slytherin. It was suspected, but none of the followers of the Dark Lord were ever mentioned, and nobody knew who they were until after the purge. Not just that, but it was Dumbledore who stated that the Dark Lord was in Slytherin in the first place. Even though he is correct, it is still nothing but speculation." Tom nodded. This was quite the hefty amount of information which Draco was handing him. Though he did not doubt that Draco was more than aware of that.

"As of now, I would say that the next best option is to begin to pick out Dumbledore's faults." Tom whispered softly, contemplative.

"Of course it is." Draco agreed. "For people with utter loyalty to Dumbledore, which is most of the other houses, it will be necessary to show that Dumbledore is not as without faults as they had thought him to be. We will need other houses to come over to our side if we really want to manage this. What is the best way to do that? To take down their idol."

"True," Riddle agreed. Draco was so much like him it shocked him sometimes. Though he should have expected that.

"We will have to be incredibly careful though." Draco said softly, words invoking caution, as well as a warning. "Dumbledore is incredibly powerful, and willful. We need to start small. Very small. With smaller publications and smaller deeds of wrong which he has done. Nothing big." Tom smiled, teeth bared.

"What a wonderful idea."

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