We wait for about 20 minutes before we hear a sharp knock on the door. Rose emerges from her office and opens the door. She ushers Frank and Gerard in and Kai and I stand up. We walk over to them and stand by Rose. "Mr.Iero, Mr.Way, this is Quinn and that is Kai." she said as she gestured towards us. I give them a small wave before intertwining my hand with Kai's and latching onto his sleeve with my other hand. "Are you ok?" Frank asked. I nod and grip onto Kai's sleeve a little tighter. "They're fine they just get really nervous and shy around new people. Especially people they've looked up to their whole life." Kai explained. "Why don't you guys come into my office so we can get all of the paper work out of the way." Rose suggested. We all followed her into her office and stood around the desk. Frank and Gerard signed first and then Kai and I signed. "Well I guess this is goodbye." Rose sighed as we walked over to the door. "I guess it is." Kai said as he rested his hand on the back of his neck. She pulled us into a bone crushing hug.

After a moment we pulled away and turned to our new parents. "You ready, kid?" Frank asked. I nodded and walked a little closer to him. He pick up my suite case and my skate board and we walked outside with Kai and Gerard trailing behind us.

Frank put my stuff into the back of a black car and ushered me into the passengers seat. I close my door and pull on my seatbelt as I watch Kai and Gerard get into a different car. "You ok?" Frank questions as he starts the car and drives behind Gerard. "Yeah." I sigh. "No you're not. I can see it in your eyes. What's bothering you?" he asks. "It's just... The last time Kai and I got adopted it didn't really end well." I tell him. He gives me a 'go on' look and I continue "It was an abusive home. We got hit almost everyday. I remember one night I woke up to Kai screaming from the basement. I went to go see what was happening a-and when I got down there Kai was strapped to a table and the person that had adopted us was using a sodering iron to burn things into his skin. They would starve us and o-once I got acid poured on me." By the time I had finished tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. "That's where this came from." I say as I roll my sleeve up to show him part of the scar that runs down my arm. "Holy shit." he gasped as he snuck a look before returning his eyes to the road. I pull my sleeve back down and silently curse myself for saying anything in the first place. "It's ok. You can say it." I mumble. "Say what?" he asks. "That you think I'm a freak." I sigh. "Kid, I don't think you're a freak. I think you're very strong and very brave to have gone through what you have and still be here. What happened to you and Kai is terrible. No one should ever have to go through that." Frank tells me as we turn onto the highway.

I tense as I hear Frank's phone ring. He taps the screen in the dash and Gerard's voice rings through the car. "Hey I need to stop for gas." he says. "Ok I think there's a gas station up ahead." Frank says. "Quinn! Quinn guess what!" Kai shouts. "What?" I laugh. "We get to meet Mikey and Ray!" he squeals. I shake my head as we pull into the parking lot of a gas station.

We park and Frank turns the car off. I get out and walk over to Gerard's car. Kai and Gerard get out and Frank quickly pulls Gerard into the building. "Your such a fanboy." I laugh as I walk over to Kai. "Dude we are literally going to be living with our idols! You can't tell me you're not excited." he says, his voice slowly getting louder. I chuckle as I shush him. "Of course I'm excited. It's just... I told Frank about the last time we were adopted." I sigh. "O-oh. What did he say?" Kai asks. "He said that he doesn't think we're freaks and that we are very brave to have gone through what we have and still be here." I tell him. He smiles and nods as Gerard and Frank walk over. Frank knights me with a slim-jim before handing it to me. I laugh as I open it and take a bite. He throws one to Kai and it hits him in the face. "Stop throwing things at my kid." Gerard chuckles as he leans against the car.

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