Night out with friends

Jonathan and I had been working so hard so we decided to hit up a bar. "The men are fineee in here !" He exclaimed "We are celebrating not snatching a man" I said laughing and he laughed with me . "Girl I'm taking somebody man tonight !" He said dancing in his seat and laughed . After more drinks and conversation I felt eyes on me and it was a pretty woman hanging with friends watching me a little . It was like she was flirting with her eyes , she didn't approach me until Jonathan went to the bathroom so I guess she's shy . "Patron on the rocks with cranberry" she ordered and looked at me " That's a favorite drink of mine" I said and she smiled " I noticed , I'm Cami and you are ?" She said " Leah " I said " Leah , are you single or ?" She asked "Married actually.." I said she she looked disappointed " What?" I asked "Thats to bad babygirl" she said " And why is that?" I asked and she leaned in "If I could make you mine I'd be sure to please you constantly and not let you go" she said and it turned me on . "maybe I could take you out some time ? Friendly date that is .." she trailed off "Maybe" I said before we exchanged numbers . The conversation was incredible afterwards , it just skyrocketed from there . Months later and she was someone I wanted to keep around . Her vibes were intoxicating and I was curious to know her .

It's safe to say Camille wanted to know me more . She'd text me frequently and we got more acquainted . I could be myself with her , she'd listen to me and my ideas . Our first time was beautiful, she had invited me over for brunch and I decided why not you know? And when I got there she had damn near a buffet . We ate a little bit talked more and I stressed about work to her she understood and she wanted to get her business off the ground . I told her I believed in her and her dreams and the heat with us was rising . Before I knew it I was laid across her table legs wide and moaning loudly . It was as if she knew my body she was doing so much that I loved . Her tongue on my clit was euphoric. We made love on her dining table on a beautiful afternoon. She caressed my curves and made it all about me . I came so many times I couldn't keep count , who knew this was a beginning of something for us both .

I knew I had an issue when it came to sex because I was literally fucking Justin then cami constantly. Addiction, addiction, ADDICTION is what people calls it but to me it was just my fun and something I enjoyed doing so much . Cami quickly became my Guilty Pleasure , I couldn't stop playing around with her and she did the unthinkable..
"Leah , I love you .." she trailed off we were naked in her bed after a long night of passion. I couldn't believe what she said to me so I turned to face her "I know I'm not supposed to but I just wanted you to know th-" she started before I kissed her to shut her up . "Me too" I said smiling and she pulled me on top of her groping my ass before smacking it "You do?" She asked "Yes" I said before kissing her and sliding my tongue in her mouth . This wasn't right cami and I wasn't supposed to fall in love I had a husband ! How can she be worth a piece of my heart when he's been the whole for so long ? I couldn't turn away from her she knew me to well and my body craved personal attention from her .

Business grew for Jonathan and I and I felt like I was on top of the world and so did he . We were business partners and Bestfriend's making things happen. I had my husband standing strong behind me and I was ready to take on my next fight . Marrying Justin was the best thing that ever happened to me I loved that man deeply but it's parts of me I knew he'd never understand. Grand opening day was huge , everyone was there even cami . I broke her heart that day then made her fall again . She saw me boasting about my husband and taking photos , showing my ring etc and she came to say hello, I was pissed when she did and I decided to keep my cool but when we walked away I cursed her out I sent a terrible text and a few minutes later she was rushing to her car . The next day or so I saw her to tell her to play her roll .. I wanted things my way to when she fell and needed to move I helped her and kept her somewhere near work . A while later I decided a nice condo for us would be better . I never concerned myself much with Cami whereabouts and whom she friended my husband and I had an image I couldn't fuck up . Staying private was better for us both .

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