Troubled Sea's pt 2

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It's been a two days since I've heard from Trina which was fine by me . Meanwhile Cami was making it known she missed me and wanted to talk but I was no longer interested in talking with her. It felt good to be focused at work with Jonathan and handling business however Khloe wanted to redeem herself and tried her very best to push up on me and be seen. Today I meant business 100% I wanted things done and I had let my partner down enough. "Things are going great! I'm so happy" Jonathan exclaimed "I am too ! It's finally over we are booming and we have so much more space to fill !" I said "You are cheerful today , what's going on?" He asked "Nothing I'm just happy I guess I've been ignoring Cami , no word from Trina and I've been enjoying my husband and focused on this." I said looking around "Good , you don't need anymore distractions" he said and I smiled headed for my office . I sat down and decided to FaceTime my husband "Hi beautiful" he said "Hi Mr. Smith , how are you?" I said eyeing my man he was such a sight "I'm Good , anxious to see you tonight . How's everything?" He asked "It's Wonderful, we did it again" I said "You always make it happen baby , I gotta go see you tonight I love you" He said "Love you!" I said before we disconnected. About 10 minutes later I got a knock on my door "Yes?" I called out and Jonathan opened the door "I'm going to get lunch , you want something?" He asked and I declined "By the way wine tonight at my house with Michelle be there!" He said before leaving .


I was eyeing Leah all day and I guess she's not picking up on hints I'm dropping . I've been brushing up against her and doing whatever she needed so we could talk . I stood at the register and decided to send a text To 💋 : To busy for me? I want to pick up where we left off 😉 I sent the message before a lady approached the counter with several items "Hi how are you ?" I asked ringing her up "I'm fine you?" She asked "I'm great thank you , your total is $345.62" I said bagging her things as she swiped her card and paid "Thank you for shopping at Obsessed , your receipt is in the bag have a wonderful day!" I said and she smiling and left . We had a lot of shoppers per usual and it was a lot of mess when it's a lot of shoppers I decided to start my fold up while Kim and Brittney worked the registers. A few minutes later a woman approached me "Hi Excuse me" she said "Yes , Can I help you ?" I asked "Yes , Is Aleah Here?" She asked "Yes she's here one second" I said before heading to Leah's office and knocking before walking in . "Leah it's a woman here to see you" I said "Send her in please" she said not even looking at me. I rolled my eyes and went to find the woman "Ma'am , follow me" I said taking her to Leah's office . After she went inside I stayed near to eavesdrop a little to figure out who this woman is .


I walked into Leah's office "I've been texting you and calling you Aleah , has your decision been made? Am I not worthy enough to at least be known of the decision?" I asked and she looked at me "Cami our last encounter wasn't pleasant why do I need to reply?" She asked "Leah I love you , listen we've been here before I'm sorry about what I did -" I started and she stood up " Cami you need to leave, this isn't the place for this" she said and I kissed her . Surprisingly she kissed me back , I pulled her closer to kiss her spot on her neck "Cami" she whispered before someone knocked and opened the door . "Leah you have a ca-" she started "Khloe you are out of line !" Leah snapped and The Girl khloe shut the door . "Can you come over ?" I asked rubbing her ass "Yeah I will , Give me an hour" she said before kissing me "Ok" I said before leaving . I headed home to wait for Leah as usual , I was so happy to finally have her considering me. I missed her so much I was anxious to have her .


"Khloe , I need to see you in my office now please" I said before walking back and shutting my door . A few mins later she entered my office "Yes?" She said taking a seat "When I have a visitor you are to knock" I said "Leah who was that woman ?" She asked and I took a step back "Excuse me?" I said "Who was she? Are you fuck-" she started "Don't overstep boundaries, You can leave" I said before getting my things and she left with an obvious attitude. Khloe was just a liability , I didn't care about her attitude . As I was leaving a received a phone call Unknown I knew it was Trina "Hello?" I answered aggravated "Hi I tried to call you a few times and Justin and I just need ... I'm pregnant" A woman said on the phone and my whole world fell I felt my heart ache itself "Who is this?" I asked rushing to my car "It's Jade I .. I gotta go" she said before the line went blank . My blood was boiling , I was furious! I got into my car throwing my purse into the passenger seat and I practically flew to Justin's office I was ready to burn down the whole building. When I got there I parked quickly before going inside. I rushed to his office also trying to keep up appearances by not looking phased at all . No matter what I tried to keep it together always and keep a face . When I got into his office he was sitting behind the desk . "Hey baby , I just about to ca-" he started before I slapped him in his face "This what the fuck you do to me?!" I yelled before punching him "You get a bitch pregnant !? Fuck you justin !" I yelled swinging hitting him until he grabbed my wrist . I struggled with him to get out of his grip " Baby please what's going on?!" He said "You gone get a fucking bitch pregnant and act stupid??" I asked looking at him in disbelief "Who's pregnant Leah?" He asked "Why jade calling my damn phone? You got that hoe pregnant?! How could you Justin?! How could you give her what's mine!?" I yelled pushing him off of me. "Baby calm down let's talk about this" he said not letting me go "Get off of me" I said and he did as I said "You fucked up , how could you ?! I hate you" I said leaving him standing alone and calling my name.

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