"Quite. Niklaus provided his blood and in return I'm loyal to him. Unlike some others, I keep my word." She said, referring to Stefan. Klaus laughed, cutting into the tense conversation.

"Yes, Blair has proven a loyal comrade and friend to me. It seems she's the only one left I can trust. Apart from my hybrids." He said, walking towards the two.

"Oh, Don't let it go to your head. Your ego is big enough as is." She said, walking over to him and grabbing his shoulder. "Anyway, I must be off. I hate to have interrupted such a heart felt reunion between you two. I'll see you tomorrow, Niklaus. Elijah."

She said, before leaving the house. It rather impressed Elijah how she talked to his brother. Most would quake in the sight of any Mikaelson, but she talked to Elijah and Klaus like they were any other people. Elijah was the first to speak after she left. "She's... perplexing."

"Yes, she is quite the character. She's sided with me through the worst of it, yet she wants nothing more than our friendship in return. It's odd, really. Nevertheless, she's mine. I do my best to ensure that no harm comes to her." Klaus said, and Elijah noted that in his mind.

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The next morning was rather bland. Blair had nothing going on. It was actually rather peaceful. Until she was informed of the dinner going on between The Salvatores, her brother, and the two Mikaelson brothers.

"And you invited me and my brother for what exactly?" Blair asked, walking into the room where Klaus was.

"Perhaps I thought the two of you would keep the peace quite well."

"Oh please. I would only cause more trouble with anything involving Blaine. He proves to make my life harder ever second I'm around him. Count me out of your little dinner party. Do save me a bottle of wine, though." Blair crossed her arms, as Klaus began to paint.

"Blair. How nice to see you again." Elijah said, walking in. "Will you be joining us tonight?"

"I'm afraid not. Being in the same room with my brother for more than an half an hour would make everyone in that room want to murder the both of us." She said, with a polite smile. "I did tell Niklaus to save me a bottle of wine, though."

Elijah looked perplexed at the work 'Niklaus', which Blair found odd. It's just a name. He seemed interested in her, like he was trying to figure her out. "I should go. I wouldn't want to disturb the preparation of your dinner. Have fun." She said, walking past Elijah and out the front door.

"Wait." Elijah called after her. "I'd like to know more about you." He told her. She offered him a smile.

"Right then, I'll humor you. What do you want to know?" Blair turned around, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Why stay with him after all this time?"

"Niklaus? It's simple, really. I've grown quite fond of him, and I like to think him of me. Plus, I've come to learn when you betray the Mikaelsons, you've got hell to pay, and I'd rather not." Blair answered simply.

"But still, why go against your own brother?" Elijah pressed.

"I made a deal to save my brother. He just doesn't see it the same way as me." Blair said, getting closer to Elijah.

"So, when you see him, as I'm sure you will, tell him I send my regards." She said, lower than before. "I do still care for him. Deeply, in fact. We just never got things right in our relationship."

She left Elijah standing there thinking about what she said.

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Elijah opened the door to see the three boys. "Niklaus, our guest have arrived."

They all three walked in. "Blaine, Damon, Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?"

"It's better to indulge him." Elijah told them, walking past.

"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. In fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to, 'Cause you would hear us out."

Klaus hummed in response. "Well, we can sit and eat, or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides, your choice."

Blaine was the first to sit down, and the Salvatores looked at him like he was crazy. "Unlike the two of you, I don't have a fucking death wish." He whisper-yelled back at them, then Damon sat down, then Stefan.

The food was served not long after. As Elijah started speaking to Blaine. "Blaine, your sister sent her regards."

"Wow, it's as if she cares." He mumbled under his breath, but everyone heard it.

"You killed your own father and put her to sleep for 3 centuries. I'd be a bit less harsh." Klaus pointed out. Elijah cleared his throat.

"That's quite enough from the both of you." He said, Damon and Stefan silently agreeing with the original.

Word count: 1511
Hey guys! I'm a bit glad to be out on break, but I hope all of you are staying safe! Have a great day, even if we are forced to stay inside. Stay safe!


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