Girl Meets High School pt.1

Start from the beginning

"We were kings." Maya says sulking into the hole.

"Yeah, that's over." Blondie shrugs.

I, however, am not going into the hole. Not yet. I walk over to the seniors and plant myself directly in front of them.

"What are your names?" I ask.

"Why do you want to know?" the blonde counters.

"Well, I'm different. I'm more mature and I want to be around mature people like you three." i explain.

"I'm Francesca." the blonde says, shaking my hand and smiling.

"I'm Nikki." The brunette smiles.

"I'm Thor." The boy nods his head in acknowledgment.

"Welcome to Abigail Adams High, think of us as your leaders and guides throughout your freshman year of high school." Francesca says.

"Now get in the hole." Thor tells me.

"It's nothing personal, but it just wouldn't be fair to your friends." Nikki says and I walk over and walk into the hole.

"Do it." The boy says and Farkle lets go of the light and falls into the hole.

Lucas looks over the railing and starts to talk to the seniors. "You know we're not gonna stay down here, right? You guys know as soon you leave, we're just gonna go to class."

"Oh, we want you to go to class." Francesca smiles.

"But spend your free time down here because of what Spunky said." Nikki continues Francesca's thought.

"What, 'We were kings'?" Maya asks.

I walk the the middle of the hole and put a hand on Maya's shoulder.

"Yeah. In middle school, you were." Thor says, his hand on the wall behind the two senior girls.

"We all were."

"Right now, you're not. We are. We walk anywhere we want and you don't." The blonde says to all of us freshmen.

"Why? Because you say so?" Lucas asks.
Anyone in their right mind could tell the seniors were getting on Lucas' last nerve.

"Yeah. Now get down there, little buddy." Thor says, walking over in front of Lucas, the latter still not completely in the hole.

"You'll know when to come out!" Francesca informs.

"This is a service we perform. You don't have to thank us." Nikki says and her and Francesca curtsy.

"Yeah, trust me, we won't." Lucas says, completely annoyed.

"Trust me, you will." Thor says, still in front of Lucas.

"If there's nothing else, we wish you good day." Riley says, trying to be a little mean.

"Good luck in high school." Nikki says. Riley waved goodbye and the three older kids walked away.

"I'm sorry we're in here, guys." Lucas says on the steps.

"It's not your fault, Lucas." I say to him. I walk over to him and put my head on his shoulder comfortingly.

"You can't protect us." Zay says, looking up at Lucas.

"I used to." Lucas says sadly.


The bell rang and all of us walked into our history class.

"What were you talking about with the seniors?" Lucas asks me.

"Nothing, I just learned their names." I say and sit down in my seat right next to Riley.

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