Girl Meets the Bay Window pt. 2

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"Yeah, that's the day I decided that change wasn't such a good thing." Maya says.

"Sometimes it is, Maya." Riley says.

"I don't want to go to highschool." Maya says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"We've always been together. What if something changes? What if something happens? People drift apart in high school." Maya says worried.

"Maya, how could that even possibly happen?" Riley asks.

"How could it possibly happen that the bay window would change?" I ask.

"How could it possibly happen that people just... leave?" Maya asks sadly.

"Maya, Rachel, sometimes change is good. It leads to... a wonderful growing up. Don't you want to be big girls?" Riley asks.

"No." Maya and I say while pouting.

"This was the first place that I ever thought was safe. Even if my whole world changed, this place never would." Maya says.

"Then we'll put it back. We'll put it back, Maya." I say.

"Riles, I know it's not just the bay window we're saying goodbye to." Maya says.

"It's us, right?" I ask.

"You think you're gonna say goodbye to us?" Farkle asks.

"Maya, we're not going anywhere." Lucas says.

"Not in high school, not any time. It's always gonna be us." Farkle says.

"Very good." Mr. Matthews says.

"That's it?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah." Our teacher replies.

"That's what you wanted us to learn?" I ask.

"Leave me alone." Matthews says.

"It's his day off." Topanga tells us and she and her husband leave the room.

"Maya, we're never leaving. No matter where we go, we're never leaving." Riley says.

"And Farkle told us that he'd always love us equally no matter what." I say.

"I'm as good as my promise." Farkle says.

"Lucas?" I asks.

"Right here." He says,

"Maya... high school's just the next place." Riley says.

"Your safe place is us." I say giving her a hug.

"Your safe place is me. And I'm yours. From the day we met." Maya  says and tells us the time when she met Riley.

(I'm sorry it's so short :/)

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