Night Rendezvous

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Nine o'clock came around soon and Tom had settled on wearing a thin leather jacket, white v neck, and ripped jeans. Nothing special, but he didn't have a reason to dress extravagantly.

The brunet slid open his window to see a familiar boy pushing open his. Tord was wearing a blush pink cotton shirt hidden under a silk black bomber jacket with white crosses threaded into the sleeves. His hair was rather messy and slightly damp. He hadn't bothered with jewellery but did have a single black choker.

Tord immediately noticed Tom and waggled his fingers in a typically flirty manner. "Good evening, kittyboy." Tord greeted Tom with a smile. Tom gave Tord a smile back.

"Evening, tord." Tom greeted Tord back. Tord half sat on his windowsill. His body was still in his room and he was still facing Tom, still giving him that sunshine smile. Tord felt that he was a little bit tired but for the most part he was ready to explore.

"Ready for an adventure?" Tord asked Tom. He knew that Tom's answer would be a 'yes', or something along the lines of that. If he said 'no', Tord would be heartbroken because first off, Tom called their adventure off and second off, he called the adventure off right when they were going to go on it. Last minute call offs are always the worst.

"Sure." Tom answered Tord's question. Tord was happy he said yes. It wasn't like it was really suspenseful for Tom to answer because he knew that he would say 'yes'.

Tord swung his legs over the ledge and half twisted his body. Tom awkwardly knelt by his window ledge. There was no way he'd risk his life to go on a midnight journey with practically a stranger. Tord swiftly dropped from the window and landed on a thick branch of the tree between the houses. An old chestnut tree that had been there for generations. He rotated his head to see the nervous wreck named Tom watching from a distance.

"Are you mad?!" Tom's hands rested on his hips as he pulled a baffled expression. He could not believe that Tord was doing this, and no way in hell would he be doing what Tord just did. Never ever. Not in a million years.

"Yes." Tord was for once dead serious, his eyes glinting against the dark night atmosphere. Tom shook his head. Nothing could change his mind about jumping off of a tree. Even just thinking about jumping off of a tree sounded bad.

"I'm not jumping!" Tom shouted out to Tord. Jumping down like that was seriously dangerous, not to mention death. The tree wasn't a small tree or a tree that had a lot of thick branches everywhere. It was widely spaced and the top of the tree was a pretty good distance away from the ground.

"Please Tom. I already jumped down and nothing bad happened to me." Tord tried to plead with Tom so Tom would jump down onto the tree. Tord didn't want to jump down for nothing. He would have to go back into his house and if his family woke up he would have to explain how he got out of the house without using the stairs and why he was out in the first place. That would be disastrous.

"Nope." Tom simply said. He wasn't going to jump down. Why would he risk breaking every single bone in his body for a little midnight voyage. Sure, if he survived, the voyage might actually get to be fun but it's not something that's worth dying for.

"If you fall I'll catch you." Tord tried his best to convince Tom. He seriously didn't want a wasted moment and then getting in trouble just because Tom changed his mind about the start of the trip. The trip that hadn't even officially started yet!

Tom pondered the thought for a second before hesitantly clinging to the window frame. Did he trust tord? Absolutely not. So why was he obeying? One foot reached the stony wall of his house. He looked back at tord. Both of Tord's eyes locked onto his every movement. Silver and red. Tord looked so different from this angle.

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