chapter 2: secrets worth keeping

Depuis le début

But the craziest, craziest thing had yet to come, because the outcome their CEO had hoped for... actually came true. It was mind-blowing, really, seeing his follower count on Instagram shoot up day by day after the article was released. From a meagre 20k followers, he blew up to 100k, then 500k and finally... 1 million. People began recognising him wherever he went - though at first people knew him as the 2020 New Year's Couple, they slowly began recognising him for his talent and music...

It was the taste of success so sweet that it left Jungkook addicted, though he knew that it would come and bite him back one day. Jungkook, deep down inside him, knew that one day, everyone would find out about their fake relationship and leave him because he wasn't the wonderful person they thought him out to be. That stressed Jungkook out like crazy, and had given him a countless number of sleepless nights over the past few months. Three hours was his average, and that made him more grumpy than he already usually was - and maybe that's why he seemed to be snapping at Jennie more often.

Jungkook didn't hate Jennie - they were together in this dating agreement together after all so technically, they were business partners. But to him, it always seemed so easy for Jennie. She never seemed bothered by the fact that she was lying to her fans, or by the fact that her popularity might plummet one day. Was it because she was an actress, that acting to be in love with someone she wasn't in love with was so easy for her? More than anything, Jungkook was probably jealous of her. Yeah, that's what it was.

But Jungkook wasn't fantastic at expressing himself, he always seemed to find himself tangled up in arguments without even trying to get himself involved.


Jungkook felt someone shake him by his arm abruptly and opened his eyes. Next to him, standing at the car door, stood a familiar man.

The corner of Jungkook's lips twitched a little. "Oh, hyung, you're here."

Kim Seokjin

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Kim Seokjin. JK's manager of five years. Pretty much Jungkook's only trusted friend and confidant. The type that freaks out easily and is extremely chaotic when not on his job, but otherwise responsible, loyal and competent. Popular amongst JK's fans for his outstanding visuals and how well he takes care of JK.

"I looked for you everywhere!" Seokjin folded his arms as he handed Jungkook a bottle of fruit juice. "Why didn't you wait for me in your own car?"

"Someone wanted to take the act one step further-" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he glanced in Jennie's general direction. "Completely unnecessary, in my opinion."

"What? Excuse me?" Jennie gasped loudly as she turned to her own manager next to her. "Oppa! Did you hear that?"

 "Oppa! Did you hear that?"

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