"Now listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. But either way, you both need to settle your differences and act right! Or you can both kiss graduation goodbye."

That made everything inside of me completely stop working all at once. There was no chance in hell that I was letting Regina ruin my graduation just because she can't stop being a bully.

"We'll be there." I spoke up.

Regina looks over at me in a quick motion. "Excuse me?"

The principal gave us a warning before letting us leave. I was more than ready to get the hell out of there and make sure I keep my distance from Regina for the remaining of the school year.

"You're not getting away with this." Regina said once we were out of the office.

Looking over at her with the dumbest look I could come up with, she gave me a look before I just rolled my eyes. "Why don't you leave me alone and we won't have to worry about anything." Knowing she wasn't going to listen, I gave it my best shot anyways.

I wanted to tell her off. I wanted to tell her that everything was her fault but knowing it wasn't going to solve anything, I let her walk down the hall as I went my seperate way.


Throughout the school day, I started getting a little less tired. Which was a good thing I suppose. I didn't want to accidentally fall asleep in one of my classes in fear that I would get in trouble.

When Social Studies rolled around, I noticed that Miss Morgan wasn't here. There was a sub teaching taking her place and it made me wonder where she was.

Her car wasn't in the parking lot this morning. I just wanted to know where she was at even though I had no business of knowing.

When a sub teaches, the class goes completely batshit crazy. They act like a bunch of middle schoolers who can't follow rules. I could tell the sub was annoyed by them. The way he had his head in his hands and the look of defeat on his face said it all.

I just stayed in the back, minding my own business. Knowing we weren't getting any work done, I just read my book until the class was over.

Lunch came around and Ayden had to leave early so I was stuck staying here because I hated going places by myself. I always loved Ayden driving me places for a change. I don't eat school lunches so I just ate snacks out of the vending machines.

Plus, school lunches are poison; prove me wrong.

Sitting outside, I ate my candy bar as I was watching the cars go by on the road. I was sitting at the picnic table outside, away from everyone else. I wasn't about to sit inside when they don't like me anyways and my only friend was Ayden.

Texting Ayden, I asked what he was doing. I sat my phone down as I opened my can drink. Taking a sip, I saw a car pull up in the parking lot. I watched them for a moment until someone got out of the passenger side and I noticed it was Miss Morgan.

It actually made me happy to see her and I couldn't understand why.

She was talking to whoever was in the driver side before shutting the door. She adjusted her strap on her bag before walking up to the building.

Why she was coming into work at lunch, I had no idea. The day is practically over with.

I was watching her until she looks over and notices me. I gave her a small smile until she started walking towards me. As she approached me, she sat her bag down on the table.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Eating." I picked up my now empty candy wrapper.

She looks down at it before looking back at me. "That's all you're eating? Why aren't you eating inside?"

Crossing Lines [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now