"Nothing I make keeps well in the fridge, mostly because I don't keep it," I tell her, giving her a sunny smile.

     "Mmm," she hums, laughing. "Good thing I'm around to feed you then, eh?"

     "I'm very grateful," I say honestly. "It was either going to be a lean cuisine or trail mix for dinner, so-"

     "Jes, neither of those are real food," she says, looking at me a bit concernedly.

     I roll my eyes. "I know, I know. Can we eat now?"

     "'Course we can," she says with a dimply smile.

     As we eat, I describe how shit my day was.

     Perrie's perfectly sympathetic as I explain all that happened, nodding her head and covering my hand with her own and offering little aw, babe's at all the right moments.

     As we chat, I keep coming back to the thought of us living together, until I can't keep it in any longer.

     Perrie's in the middle of telling me how she nearly cried while chopping a particularly potent onion when I blurt it out.

     "-and I know I make fun of Leigh-Anne and her onion goggles, but-"

     "Move in with me."

     "What?" Perrie asks, clearly a little shocked at my abrupt change of subject. "Where did that come from?"

     "I know your lease is up at the end of next month," I say, laying my hand over hers. "And I want you to move in with me. I love you, and I love having you here, and I want to come home to you and your onion stories and your sunny blonde hair every single day. I sometimes feel like I've got no purpose, like I don't know why I do what I do, but- Perrie, when I'm with you, it's the only time I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. You make me thrilled to be alive. I want you to live here, with me. If that's what you want," I say, pulling back a bit, unsure what the look on her face means.

     "Really?" She asks, eyes looking a bit watery.

     "Really." I say, quietly but surely.

     "I'd love that," she says with a watery smile.

     "Good," I say, grinning over at her. "Now, about the onion..."

     She barks out a laugh, standing up to press a kiss to my lips before she plops back down in her seat and explains about the onion.


EDIT: I was clicking through these and noticed that the spacing was ten kinds of messed up on this one, so I tried to fix it. Hopefully it worked:/

A/N: alright, so I've edited and posted this whole thing on mobile, so if the formatting is off or it's loaded w/ errors, I'm sorry😬

This one's pretty short n' sweet. It just popped into my mind on the train home the other day (before all of this Corona madness hit) and it's been sitting in my drive bc I was like "I'll add to that, surely" and then I never did🤷🏼‍♀️🌝

I just wanted to get something new out, you know? Something cute. I posted the first chapter of a Pesy Smut Book yesterday and that's left me feeling all sorts of weird so I thought I'd put up some fluff too! It's much more my preferred area of writing lol:)


I'm working on new updates for Sugar, Baby? as well as an update for NEM (that is nearly finished!!:), so look for those! I've also published a smut book where (for now) the plan is to add another smutshot every couple days for the first little while, as everything I'm planning to post there at the minute is prewritten. Some of them will be reposts that I had taken down (they were initially published here but have been taken down for the last few months and I didn't want the smut in w the regular ones, so now they're in their own book), some will be new. It's mostly Pesy, but the one I just put up is new and it's all the girls together, and there will be some Alerresy as well. I'm also working on a new Pesy fic that is a collab, so look for that!☺️

I'm still pretty busy with school at the minute (we've moved online, and my teachers have doubled down😒) but my semester will be finished in a few weeks, and I'm hoping that, at that point, I'll be able to dedicate some time to finishing some things up!!

Thank you so much to all of you who read my stuff regularly! Please comment (you guys know comments are my fAv!) and vote! And gimme a follow, if you feel like it😉

I hope everyone is well, and that you guys are all staying safe!!



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