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"Do you want something to eat, Jungkook?" I piped up as he walked out of his bedroom, running his hands through his newly styled, slightly damp hair. "I made Egg Toast Sandwiches and Kimchi Rice for breakfast. If you want, I can also pack them up for you."

I smiled cheerfully as Jungkook walked up to the kitchen island, casually slinging his formal suit jacket over one of the high-backed chairs.

"You look beautiful today." He murmured softly, grinning at me as I readied a lunchbox for him, making sure to add a lot of side dishes.

"Thank you," I brushed him off nonchalantly, determined not to blush at the simple compliment and walked up to him, placing the box in one of his hands and the chopsticks in another. "Make sure you eat it." I added hesitating. "It might not be the best but I tried."

"I'll eat anything you make, Y/N. Thank you for this." He smiled and handed it to his chauffeur who had arrived to get his stuff. "I'm sure it'll be a great change from all the instant ramen I've been eating. Oh, and can I have that Egg Toast as well?" He grinned sheepishly. "I'm running a little late but I can always munch on a little something on the way."

He must have slept in after he'd stayed up till so late last night, trying to convince me to move into his room again.

But I'd firmly turned him down.

After the finger action of that day, I wasn't sure I could stay in his room without absolutely losing my shit.

Being in my room gave me some much needed privacy and personal space, and most importantly, it gave me some time to think rationally which was something I couldn't do around Jungkook.

"Also I'll be back around 6. I'm taking you out today. Be ready." He grabbed the sandwich from my hand and shoved it into his mouth.

With a playful wink and a mock salute aimed in my direction, he made his way out.

Jungkook's POV

As the clock ticked closer to five in the evening, I'd slammed the last file of the day shut and was walking out the building by exactly half past five, an empty lunch box swinging in my hand.

I'd made sure I ate every last morsel that was in there so I could return a sparkling clean box to Y/N.

Sending her a text to stay ready, I let the chauffeur drive me to the estate before giving him off for the day.

"Y/N? Baby, I'm home." I called out enthusiastically as soon as I entered the modern space of my living room.

"Oh. I'm almost ready, Jungkook. Just a second." I heard her call out almost immediately and in the meantime, went and handed over my things to the housekeeper.

"How long has she been in there, Ahjumma?" I whispered.

The lady smiled fondly and beckoned me to lean downwards.

"Missus went to get ready about an hour ago." She whispered in a low voice. "But she's been distracted all day, forgetting things and tripping over carpets." She supplied, giggling conspiratorially. "I'm proud of you to have brought home such a nice Missus though. She complements you well."

I grinned. "I know, right? Well, looks like I'll give you a raise, Ahjumma. Instead, make sure you say some good words about me to her, okay?"

"Oh, did you give her the dress though?" I was reminded of the dress I'd given the housekeeper before leaving this morning. It was a black and golden one-shouldered jumpsuit with structured black pants and a sequinned gold top that had a beautiful symmetrical cutout on the midriff.

It had been on an impulse that I'd gotten it for Y/N. One of the top designers in the fashion industry had only just come out with a brand new collection and ever since I'd seen the dress, it had been on the back of my mind.

I just couldn't stop imagining Y/N wearing it and decided to buy it for her, although I felt I had been too hasty and was soon going to regret every decision I'd ever made in my life when she would walk out looking like a million bucks and I would have to take her out looking like that.

"What did she say?" I pinched my forehead subtly. "Did she like it?"

The housekeeper smiled secretively, shrugging her shoulders. "Why don't you ask Missus instead? She'll be able to tell you much better."

Just then, my ears caught the faint sound of heels clicking against the marble and I turned around, my heart already doing cartwheels inside my chest from the anticipation.

Y/N stood there, smiling shyly as she pushed her hair behind her ear with her hand, clutching a shiny gold clutch in her other hand. She was wearing the dress I'd gotten for her and to my absolute awe, looked better than the wildest of my imaginations.

The dress sat on her body like a second skin and the colours set off her creamy complexion and dark, sun kissed hair making my heart falter for a split second as I took the liberty to check her out from head to toe.

"How do I look, Jungkook?" Y/N giggled and I realised that she probably knew that I was staring.

"Uhm-" I coughed awkwardly, my face heating up. "-it's better than what I expected actually."

I cursed myself for not coming up with a better compliment but all that was coming to my mind was colourful swear words and all I could hear was my inner self screaming at the onslaught of such dangerous beauty.

"That's a good thing, I suppose." Y/N smiled, probably a bit put off by my emotionless response but didn't show her disappointment as she quickly walked forward and came to halt right beside me. "So where are you taking me?"

Eager to make up to her, I forced myself to concentrate and held out my arm for her to slip hers in.

"Somewhere worthy of you in this dress." I smirked. "Someplace we can enjoy some alone time without the fear of being caught. How does that sound?"

Y/N nodded, smiling with an elegant ease that's usually ingrained amongst ladies of respectable households.

I lost focus for a second as the light caught the gold earrings dangling from her ear, blinding me and then her pink lips parted in a heart-stopping smile as she laughed.

"That sounds great."

"You're really pretty." I whispered in awe unable to stop the words falling from my lips.

Y/N glanced at me, her eyes shining and I felt like I was at the fucking top of the world.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted before. You look absolutely stunning." I spoke nervously. "I hope I didn't totally ruin the mood."

"No, you didn't." Y/N shook her head gently, a small but confident smile playing on her lips now. "But I think we should get going unless you want to be late."

Runaway Love ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora