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Jungkook's POV

"Don't leave." I said quickly as we both stared at each other flustered.

"It is so unlike you to say such sweet things." She muttered hesitantly. "Your mood changes so fast that I can't keep up with it. The Jungkook I'm seeing right now is totally different from the one who seduced me and lured me to his bed."

I chuckled. "Why?" I raised my eyebrows teasingly. "Do you want me to go back to being that Jungkook again? Did you like that better?"

"No!" She yelled vehemently and hopped off the bed to quickly begin gathering her stuff again. Carelessly, she stuffed her clothes into a small bag and tossed her other meagre belongings on top before zipping it close.

"Now that you're back, it's only right that I take some other room." She spoke coolly. "It's not like there's a dearth of rooms in your house."

"True." I accepted. "But then you should certainly explain why you even came to stay in my room in the first place, when you already knew that I was gonna be discharged sooner or later. Why not choose some other room beforehand?" I smirked. "Don't tell me you were expecting something to happen."

Y/N's grip tightened on her bag as her knuckles turned white. "Shut up," She shot back. "I thought of no such thing! I was not completely well and your room just seemed the most comfortable."

"Yeah?" I questioned, smirking playfully. "Why don't you just stay here then. I promise I won't gobble you up."

"I'd be a fool to fall for anything you say, Mr. Jeon." A small smile played on Y/N's lush pink lips as she halted right in front of the door, ready to leave. "You might be a very convincing businessman but I promise it'll be hard to persuade me to be a part of your little escapades."


Jungkook grinned at me as if he were proud of himself for having conveyed his intentions clearly without even actually insinuating that he wanted to sleep with me again.

Which he probably did and very desperately.

My eyes slid over his body to instinctively rest on his lower body which was partially covered by the blankets and I gulped.

He looked completely fine to me except for the two nicely patched up wounds on his body-one on his upper arm and other on his back.

That could only mean that his other bodily functions and needs were all intact and considering his active sexual life, there was no way he hadn't gotten desperate for a release by now.

"Don't smile that rakish smile, Jungkook. It makes you seem-" I bit my tongue, blushing, unsure whether to say the words or not.

"What?" Jungkook teased unfazed. "Go on."

"-depraved." I blurted out, not allowing him to even react before continuing with a low, hesitant but an almost accusatory tone.

"It's barely been two weeks since we slept together. It can't be that hard to control your libido, can it? And I'm not even taking into account what you might have done with other women after." I muttered under my breath hurriedly and turned to leave before I could be reprimanded for being so brave as to say exactly what was on my mind.

"I don't believe that what you had for me wasn't momentary attraction, no matter what you say." I bit out consumed by a jealous rage that I didn't want to reveal.

Jungkook's expression remained stoic as he continued to look at me the same way as before, as if I hadn't just questioned his skirt-chasing mannerisms.

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