Chapter 12 (Ember)

Start from the beginning

    "No way!"

       "Really?"  were chorused by the three girls in the dorm.  Mia just nodded.

    "Its all true, I saw itwith my own two eyes."  vowed Mia.

"Wait, I thought 1st years weren't allowed into the Dueling Club."  argued Ember.

    "That's were things get even more interesting.  Apprently Hazel snuck in with Jungkook Jeon."  grinned Mia.

    "We'll that doesn't surprise me that he was with her, but it does surprise me that she agreed."  said Celeste.

   "Stupid Hazel Halls, getting all the attention."  grumbled Katherine.  Ember rolled her eyes at hearing her voice.

    "Is she still in the Hosptial Wing?"  asked Ember. 

"Yeah, it literally just happened.  I don't think she's woken up yet, but good luck seeing her.  No ones brave enough to try an approach her now that they know Yoongi Min might be with her."  warned Mia as Ember got off of her bed.

     "I'll take my chances."  said Ember with a slight smirk.  She was actually interested in meeting the notorious Slytherin boy.  Ever since Katherine had told her that he was the only other person in the whole school that had the same rare wand core as her, she was anxious to get to know more about the mysterious 4th year.  

   Ember made her way from Gryffindor Tower all the way to the Hospital Wing.  When she got there she arrived to a strange scene.  There were a few boys sitting around on one of the empty hospital beds and Ember noticed that a few beds over was Hazel, who looked like she was asleep, but looked a little dirty from what she assumed was a reminent of the smoke from Yoongi's spell.  The boys eyes turned towards the new comer.

     "What are you looking at?"  asked the pale Slytherin boy, annoyed.  He was in a bad mood since everyone was talking about him bringing Hazel into the Hospital Wing.  

 "What are you doing here, Fang?"  sneered Jungkook.

   "I'm here for Hazel, Jeon."  Ember shot back at him with an icy look. 

     "Who the hell are you to Halls?"  questioned Yoongi.

"I'm one of her friends, it seems like she has a lot of those."  replied Ember, swallowing her nerves with ease as she looked at the four boys who were all waiting around for Hazel.

    "Well get in line, Madam Pomfrey said she won't wake for a bit since she has a concussion."  sighed Taehyung.  Jungkook felt guilty for bringing Hazel to the Dueling Club in the first place, and Yoongi felt guilty, he was glad that she wasn't hurt from the smoke, but she had been knocked over in the mod of students which had caused her to hit her head.  So in the end he still felt guilty cause either way it was his fault.  He knew he shouldn't have put up that smoke screen, but he was so worried about not hurting Jin that he ended up hurting Hazel instead, who had been an innocent bystander.

   "I thought she was hurt from inhaling smoke?"  questioned Ember.  Jungkook shook his head.

    "We got seperated when everyone was running out of the room and she got knocked over and hit her head."  Jungkook replied lowly.   "Its all my fault.  I shouldn't have brought her with."  

     "No, Its my fault, I shouldn't have used the Fumos charm."  Yoongi said catching all of their attention.  He looked back at Ember.

 "We have to get to class, let us know when she wakes up, yeah?"  said Taehyung as he pulled Jimin along with him.  "You too Kookie, I know you just finished your free period and Professor Sprout will have your head if you try and skip again."  Jungkook rolled his eyes as he slowly got up and followed along after the two 2nd year boys.

    "Who are you anyways?  I can tell you a Gryffindor, but I've never seen you before, so you must be a first year."  tutted Yoongi at Ember as the boys left.

    "I'm Ember Fang, and you're right I am a Gryffindor first year.  I know who you are.  You're Min Yoongi, 4th year Slytherin."  nodded Ember.  Yoongi nodded.

    "That's correct." he replied with a smug look, he wasn't surprised that she knew who he was. 

    "And apprently you are also one of the only two in the whole school that has Thestral Tail for a wand core."  continued Ember.  Yoongi narrowed his eyes at her.  Now that wasn't something that most people knew.  Mainly only people in his year did, and most of those were his friends.

    "Where did you hear that from?"  he questioned.

"Doesn't matter.  Is it true?"  pressed Ember.

    "Perhaps, what is it to you?"  he asked staring at her.

"Becasue I am the other person with Thestral Tail for a wand core."  replied Ember holding out her wand in her hands.  Yoongi's eyes widened.

"You're lying."  accused Yoongi.

    "Why would I do that?"  inquired Ember.  "What would I have to gain by lying?"  

    "Where did you get your wand from?"  questioned Yoongi further.   

   "I..I found it, it came to me."   admitted Ember,  Yoongi looked at her for a moment more before looking away.

   "I believe you."  he finally said, "but only becuase of what you said about it how it came to you.  Otherwise you weren't very convinceing."  

    "Why does how I got it matter?"  replied Ember slightly annoyed,

    "Because my wand came to me as well."  replied Yoongi.

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