Chapter 36 ~ Last Day

Start from the beginning


I ran into the house and dashed up the stairs. Where is it? I looked everywhere in the bedroom, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Maybe it's downstairs. I looked around where we were and I still couldn't find it. Oh no! It must've fallen off when we were surfing! I started to cry. He gave that to me on our last day together! I wiped my tears away so Anthony wouldn't notice I was crying. I walked outside. He took one look at me and he knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay?"

Tears rolled down my face once again.

"I lost it! I think it fell off while we were surfing!"

I was crying a lot now, and Anthony pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, that's alright. I'll get you a better one."

"But that one was on our last day together."

"It's our last day together again. It'll mean the same thing."

He let go of me and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's okay, Mag. I'm not upset. Let's go have an amazing last day together."


We walked down the boardwalk towards the bike rental shop hand in hand. I wasn't really upset anymore. He always found a way to make me feel better and when we talk to each other, all my problems seem to disappear.

It wasn't long until we arrived at the bike shop. I picked out a purple bike and Anthony picked out a blue one. We payed twenty dollars to have the bikes for two hours. We knew that we'd probably be done by then, but we just wanted to be safe.

We started on our ride and ride right next to each other so we could talk.

"Mag, did you decide to join any groups at you new school?"

"No, I didn't know what to join."

"That's too bad. I'm sure you would've been great at whatever you chose to do."

He grinned and I blushed.

"Well, you turned out to be pretty great at soccer. I told you that you were great."

He laughed a little bit.

"Yeah, you did. Oh, this crazy thing happened in school last week."

"Tell me about it."

We talked as we rode our bikes for about and hour and a half. Once we noticed the time, we started to go back to the bike shop so we could return the bikes we rented. We returned them with ten minutes to spare, which was pretty good.

"Ready to fly a kite?"

"You bet."

We walked over to the kite shop and went inside.  I'd forgotten just how many kites were in there. There seemed to be a million. All scattered around some were put together and hanging from the ceiling, some were put together on display, and some were still in their packages on racks.

   Anthony and I walked around for a few minutes until we finally found the perfect kites. I chose one that looked like a wizard on a broomstick and Anthony got one that looked like a dragon.

   We ran out onto the beach once we got them set up and ready to fly. Anthony made his go in loops. I tried to do the same, but I didn't get it on my first try. He helped me figure it out and, eventually, I was going in loops just like his.

   We started to make a story with our kites. The wizard was flying when he saw a giant dragon. The dragon chased him and the wizard had a small chance of escaping. When the dragon caught up to the wizard, the wizard begged for mercy. The dragon was confused, for he had been misunderstood. He just wanted a friend. The wizard and dragon soon became best friends. We made many other stories, but that was our favorite.

    Once we noticed that it was getting late, we brought our kites in and walked off the beach.

"Hey, Mag, can you put these in my house? When you're done, meet me on the dock over there, okay?"

"Yeah. What do you have planned? Are we fishing?"

"No, it's a surprise. I know how much you hate fishing, that's not what we're doing."

"Okay. I'll meet you there when I put these away."

   I started to walk away, but he called after me.

"On second thought, stay inside until I text you, okay?"

"Alright. This is some surprise, huh?"

"Yes, just trust me."


   I went inside the house and stayed there. What does Anthony have planned?

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