Chapter 16 ~ Going to School

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I woke up to the ear piercing sound of my alarm clock. Ugh. School today.
I threw on one of my nicer sweatshirts and black pants. This is good enough for school. Before I left my room, I made sure to put on the necklace that Anthony had given me. I wandered into the kitchen and ate some toast. Not the most filling breakfast, but I guess I'll survive. Mom was still sleeping, so I tried to be quiet.

I walked over to the school and stood outside to wait for the teachers to let everyone in. Every single kid was wearing the same thing as me. A sweatshirt and long pants.

About 5 minutes went by and we were all still standing outside. I looked around at all of the kids and my stomach did a little back flip, and then landed on its face. I'm never going to know anyone.

Just then, Josh walked over to me.

"Hey, Maggie! What's up?"

"Hi, Josh. Nothing much. Hey, are we supposed to be in the school now? Why didn't they let us in yet?"

"Oh, the teachers are ALWAYS late. That's okay though. What do you think of the school?"

"Well, this is all I've seen so far. I haven't been given a tour yet."

"I could give you one. I just have to ask Mr. Remerez first. I mean, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, that's totally fine. I was hoping it would be you anyway, since I know you already."

There was this moment that lasted only a second that we were silent. It was so awkward.

Just then, some blonde kid with green eyes jogged up to Josh. Who the heck is that? Wow, he's really tall.

"Dude, why'd you ditch us? Oh, who's that? "

I looked over at Josh to see him giggling. Tell me who he is. I wish he could just read my mind.

"Hi, Luke. I was just asking my friend Maggie over here (he guestured toward me, so I waved) how she was liking our school so far, but she hasn't been given a tour yet, so I'm going to."

Luke seemed mildly confused. What's his deal?

"Well, um, hey Maggie. I'm Luke, as you may have heard. Where'd you move from?"

"Sea City."



Oh my god. This Luke kid seems like he's a cool guy until he's with a girl. He's so awkward.

Josh saved the day when he said,

"I'll catch you later, okay Luke."

"Yeah, bye."


Luke walked away and I looked over at Josh. He laughed.

"He'll warm up to you, promise."

"Alrighty, whatever you say."

We both laughed, though I'm not exactly sure why.

Just then the teachers let us in, and my long day of school began.

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