Chapter 19 ~ School

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   First period was over in a flash, probably because Josh and I were out for an hour so we only had like a half hour left, but then the day started to get a little crazy.

   I could barely find any of my classes all day long so I was cutting it close and was almost late to all of them, I was stared at because I was new, and oh yeah I kept forgetting my locker combination.

   I walked down the hallway to get to lunch when I heard snickering. Oh great.

   A few of the clearly popular cheerleaders approached me with one named Mia ( I could tell from the words MIA all in pink on her shirt. The other two were Kayla and Lauren).

"Oh look girls! A new girl! Do you think we should tell her the rules?" Mia said all confidently.

"Yeah!" Kayla and Lauren said at the same time.

   Just then, before I knew it, Mia pushed me into the nearest locker (when doing so Kayla and Lauren laughed) , looked me straight in the eyes, and said,

"This is MY school. I make the rules. You either do what I say, or I'll make your life here a living nightmare."

   I tried to stare her down the best I could.

"Just by you existing, my life is a living nightmare. Oh, and you might wanna pop that enormous pimple in your forehead. You look like a rhino."

   Mia gasped and , just for a second, it seemed like I had intimidated her, but that second was quickly gone. She seemed to angry, yet pleased that she can now torment me. Just then, she acted like she was going to walk away but she punched me in the face instead.


"You're never going to fit in here. I'll make sure of that. You'll never have any friends either, so just go back to the sea and drown."

   She kicked me in the shin.


"Now I gotta go, so I'll see you around. Tootles!"

   Mia, Kayla, and Lauren waltzed out of the hallway and into the lunchroom. No way I'm going there now. I went outside and sat in a bench underneath a tree.


   My face was all bruised up and my shin hurt like crazy. This has been an amazing first day so far.

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