Chapter 14 ~ A Tour

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   The next day I just went outside for a walk. Tomorrow was my first day of school, and I just didn't want to think about it at the moment.

   As I strolled down the busy streets of New York, I tried to find some stores that I could shop in. There weren't too many stores that appealed to me. I should have remembered that from yesterday. I guess I just thought that today would be different.

   After a little while I decided to just go get a hot dog. I went over and bought a hot dog and then sat down on a bench at a park. Just a few moments later I heard someone say my name.

"Hey, Maggie, was it? What are you up to?"

   I smiled a little and said,

"Hi... Josh. I'm just eating a hot dog."

   We both laughed. I'm not really sure why, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's because I was only eating a hot dog.

"Well, I saw you just sitting here and was wondering what you were up to. What order are your classes in at school? I've seriously never seen you before."

"Oh, I'm not sure. I just moved here so, I guess I'll find out tomorrow."

"Oh. That's why I've never seen you. You just got here."

   He laughed.

"Well, would you like me to give you a tour? I was just taking a walk which is boring so I'd be more than happy to."

"Sure. Why not?"


   Josh showed me all around New York, which was really nice of him because I won't get lost now. According to him, he'd just showed me everything I needed to see, so we just sat down and talked.

"So, where'd you live before?"

"In a place called Sea City. It was amazing. Every night my best friend Anthony and I would sit on the beach and watch the sun set underneath the sea. Oh, and some nights we'd even go surfing. It was the best. I already miss it."

"Yeah, wow, I'd miss it too. That sounds amazing."

"It was."

   My mind started exploding with images and memories of Anthony and me. How was I ever going to survive without him? It's all my mother's fault.

"Hey, why did you move anyway?"

   My heart stopped at the question. Lie.

" Oh, um, I guess my mother just wanted to move away."
   I shrugged.

"That doesn't seem fair to you though."

"Yeah well my mom said that this will be an opportunity for me to meet new people. I didn't have a lot of friends back home."

"Well you had to have had someone."

"I did. Just one."

"Well don't leave me hanging, who?"

   I sighed.

"My best friend was named Anthony. We only had each other but that was it. Well, each other and a perky dolphin named Bubbles."

"Oh yeah. You mentioned him already."

   Josh laughed so did I, but very weakly.

   I pretended to check my phone.

"Oh! My mom is texting me to come home. Bye Josh."

"Okay. Bye."

   As I walked away, I felt like crying. All those memories really made me feel depressed.

Waves of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें