He's referring to the weather. It's still raining pretty hard.

Kane: Did you lose your group?

You: Yeah, they died around a month ago.

Kane: Sorry to hear it.

Jamie: We're actually going to go find some of our people. They were looting a town. Should have been back by now. They're probably dead, so we're going to go recover our stuff.

There's nothing to recover. Those are the people you killed. This is their group. They're hostile and not showing it. That's the worst. Might as well play it cool.

Kane: You seem tough, wanna come with us?

You: Yeah, why not?

Kane gets the fire started and sits down on his hay bale.

Jamie: What kind of pistol is that?

You: I don't know.

Jamie: You should.

You: It shoots. That's all that matters to me.

Jamie: I was real into guns before this all started. Here let me see it.

You: Yeah, no.

You look between them.

Kane: You spooked him, good job.

Jamie: Sorry. I didn't mean to.

Kane: What happened to your group?

There are a lot of group questions coming from this guy.

You: We were attacked. They stormed the front gate and started killing people. They uh... killed my girlfriend actually.

You fake being sad.

Kane: Sorry to hear that.

Jamie: Were you in a community?

You: Yeah.

Kane: What was the name?

You: Salvation.

Jamie: They're still kicking.

You: What?! Really?!

Jamie: Yeah man.

You: I barely got out with my life.

Kane: Actually, we were there about two weeks ago.

Jamie: They have a bounty for some people they want to find. Person who finds them gets a reward.

You: Really?

You start looking back and forth between them. Slowly moving your hand to your gun.

Kane: Yeah, one of them is missing a left arm. It's been replaced with a metal one.

He glances at your arm. You whip your pistol out and shoot Jamie in the head. You turn to Kane, but before you can shoot him he shoots you. The bullet goes right below your right shoulder. You manage enough strength to raise the pistol high enough to shoot him in the neck before he kills you.

You: Damn it! AJ!

You collapse off the back of the hay bale. Aj rushes out of the room.

Aj: Are you ok?

You: Bring me the bag!

You can't hold your arm to apply pressure. You lean up against the hay bale. Aj brings the bag to you and puts it on the ground.

You: Is there- Hahh RR- any medical supplies in there?

Aj: Um...

He searches.

Aj: No.

You: Are you fucking-... Alright, did the bullet go through my back?

You lean forward and he looks.

Aj: Yes.

You: That's good. Stab that guy in the head so he doesn't turn.

You look at Kane. Aj grabs his knife and does as he's told.

You: Cut his sleeve off.

The guy is wearing a leather jacket. Aj takes a long time cutting it off.

You: Alright, I'm going to try and lift my arm up high enough so you can wrap my wound up. Tie it really tight.

Aj: Ok.

You can't lift your arm very high, the pain is too much.

You: That's going to have to do.

You're in so much pain, but you're trying to be as calm as possible. Aj starts wrapping it up. You groan as he does.

Aj: Done.

You: That's not tight enough buddy.

He didn't wrap very tight at all.

Aj: I didn't want to hurt you.

You: You're going to have to.

He unties it and starts doing it again. He wraps it a lot tighter this time.

You: Good. Now- MM- we need to head back. I know it's raining hard. It's going to be cold, but we have to.

Aj: Ok.

You: Carry the bag.

You stand your feet with some help from Aj. You have no use of an arm at this point.

You: There might be a few more Walkers around. You'll need to deal with them.

Aj: I'm ready.

You: Good. Then let's go.

He opens the door and you step out into the heavy, cold rain.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ