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You strip your clothes off. You've gotten a lot skinnier than you already were. Your scars seem to show more than they did. You unwrap your wrists to reveal your extremely burned wrists.

You: That's going to leave two nasty, new scars.

You mumble to yourself as you step into the shower. You turn the knob and the water comes rushing down on you. It's cold at first, but it slowly warms up.

You: They even have hot water. This is amazing.

It covers your whole body and you forget about everything going on. You close your eyes and just let it wash over you. You know your wrists sting, but you don't care. You haven't had something as relaxing as this in so long; you're going to enjoy it.


After a long time in the shower you turn it off. You step out and dry off. You lightly bring the towel over your wrists to dry it. It stings as you do.

You: You're gonna be a pain for a while aren't you.

You talk to your wrist like it's a human. One of the side effects of being alone for so long; you can talk to anything. You slip on your clothes once you're dry. Your clothes are oddly similar to Clem's. The only difference is you don't have a hat, and no knee-high boots. You wrap your wrists before you put on your black hoodie.

You open the door to the rest of the room and see Clem sitting on the couch patiently waiting.

Clem: You took forever.

You: It felt great.

Clem: Well, it's my turn.

You: Are you sure? You could slip pretty easily.

Clem: I'll be fine.

You: I'll take your word for it, but don't block the door in case I have to come in to help you.

Clem: I'm going to be naked.

You: Doesn't really matter if you fall and hurt yourself.

Clem: Fine.

You: I'll make sure to cover you up.

She goes into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. You decide to use this free time to search around the place. You need to find all the escape routes, the weapons, the hiding spots. You step into the kitchen and open the cabinets. They've got all kinds of nonperishables in them.

You: Damn, this place is crazy.

Next you walk into the bedroom. The bed sits in the middle of it. It calls out to you, and you answer. You plop down on it and immediately you're sucked into it.

You: Man, I wish I didn't have to sleep on the couch.

You close your eyes and after a while they become too heavy to open.

You: I'll just lay here and nap until Clem gets done.


Light penetrates your eye lids and you cover your face. You open your eyes and lower your hand. The sun is glaring down on you. You're standing on a vast plain. A hill stands in the distance covered with something.

Clem: Hey.

You turn around to see Clem standing behind you, but not your Clem. This one has cold, lifeless eyes, and stands on two legs.

You: Not again.

Clem: It's nice here. I don't really know why you're disappointed by that. You made it.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now