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Unknown: Y/N.

There's a distant voice of a young girl. You can faintly see the figure standing in front of you. Everything is blurry.

Unknown: Y/N.

The voice becomes slightly clearer and the little girl walks up to you. She grabs your hand in her tiny one. It barely grips the sides of your hand.

Eri: I forgive you.

You: Eri?

Eri: I missed you.

You: I'm sure you did.

Eri: You're a big kid now!

You: Yeah.

You feel a small smile form on your face.

Eri: Mommy and Daddy are this way.

She starts to tug on your hand, but you don't budge.

Eri: Come on.

You: I'm sorry, but no.

Eri: Why not?

You: I'm not dead yet. Or else I would already be wherever you want to take me.

Eri: You're going to die. You should just co-

You: Athena won't let me die.

Eri: My replacement?

You: No, you can't be replaced.

Eri: You'd have to kill her too.

You: You know I did that for you.

Eri: I don't care.

She's pouting now.

You: I wish you could meet Clementine.

Eri: A replacement for all of us.

You: All of us?

You feel hands grab your legs and start pulling you down. You start to struggle.

You: What the-

Eri: Welcome to Hell.

They pull you down faster and faster through the floor. Soon your head is under and there's nothing but darkness. You can't breathe and your senses are failing you. You're completely helpless. Until another hand grabs you. It wraps around your entire chest and pulls you back suddenly. Causing your head to whiplash.

After a few seconds of moving at increasing speed you can breathe again and your senses return, but you still have a large hand wrapped around you. It lets go and you fly back on your own. You slam into a wall. You fall to the ground on your hands and knees.

You: That hurt.

You look up and see a fire in front of you. It surges up and a fiery hand grabs you by the throat. It drags you to it. You fall face first into it. It burns as your body is consumed, and you fall. You fall through a deep pit of fire. You burn the whole way down. As you get deeper the flames burn hotter.

The pit opens up and the fire goes away. You're free falling now. You can see piles of dead bodies littering the ground below you. The ground approaches and you prepare yourself. You slam into it and expect to die, but you don't; you wish you would have.

You stand up and dust yourself off. You can hear screaming all around you.

Clem: Hey.

You turn around and see Clementine's evil twin standing next to Eri. She's holding Clem's hand.

You: This is another one of my stupid fucking dreams.

Clem: Yeah, you're in a lot of pain. Causing you to create Hell... Fitting.

You: So, I'm about to suffer until I wake up.

Clem: And then you'll suffer more.

You: Fuck.

Clem: You ready Eri?

Eri: Uh hu.

You: For what?

Eri runs at you and tackles you; You go into another free fall. Eri plunges her teeth into your left arm. They're razor sharp. You slam into the ground again and she gets off. You get up to prepare for her to charge again, but she's gone. You quickly scan the area around you and come face to face with the giant hand again. You follow the arm all the way up to the face. It's Clementine again. She's massive. She brings her fingers into a flicking position and flicks at you. It rips most of your left arm off. Pain overwhelms you again and dream Hell begins to fade away just like the real one.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant