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Sam: You to join us.

You look at him in shock. If its true hes going about it in an awful way.

Javier: Join your group?

Sam: Yes, we have community, and were looking to expand. We need people willing to work and defend our home.

You: So, you threaten me, use me as a hostage, surround us, and then as us to join you?

Sam: Those were just necessary precautions; in the case you werent friendly. We would only open fire if we had to.

Hes saying a lot of the right things. Most people are going to believe him, but you know better. Youve been in countless groups and communities with ulterior motives.

Javier: Ill talk it over with the rest.

Sam: I hope you consider joining us. Its safe, clean, we have plenty of food and water, solar power, plumbing, everything you could imagine.

Javier: It sounds nice.

Sam: Ill gather my people and well stay out of earshot to let you discuss in private.

He walks away. His people begin emerging from their hiding spots. They gather in a group down the street and begin talking like nothing is happening. You can tell theyre skilled and have done this before. Theyre cocky and think you cant touch them. Theyre wrong.

Javier: Did they hurt you?

You: No.

Javier: What was the shooting?

You: They killed the walkers.

Javier: Well, I think its safe to say were going. They seem really nice, and from the sound of it, have a really nice place.

You: I dont know.

Javier: I keep your vote in mind, but if a majority want to go, were going.

You think trusting them is an awful idea. You know its a bad idea, but also know he doesnt fully trust you after everything thats happened.

Javier: Im going to go talk to the rest. Can you go get Clementine and the kids? Theyre staying in your building.

You: Yeah.

He walks over to a group that has gathered and begins talking to them.

Brooklyn: I agree with you.

You: Its not going to matter.

Brooklyn: I know.

You: Good to see you untied.

Brooklyn: Theyll probably tie me back up.

You: Hopefully not. Im going to go get Clementine now. Make sure theyre all good.

Brooklyn: I would come, but she doesnt like me that much.

You: Oh, I know.

You walk over to the building and turn the knob to open the door. You hear a few scared children make noises and decide opening the door right away might not be the best option. You might end up getting yourself shot.

You: Clem, are you in there?

Clem: Oh, thank goodness.

You hear her say. You hear someone coming to the door and AJ opens it.

You: Hey buddy.

AJ: Is everything alright?

You: Yeah, were safe. You can come out now.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now