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Athena's POV...

Ares has just passed out. I don't know whether it's from pain or blood loss. Either way, I'm worried. I reach down and check for a pulse. It's weak and slow.

Athena: Shit.

People are coming. A lot of them. It'll take too long to fight them off. Ares will bleed out before then. I have to get away from them.

I lift Ares up and start to run. I'm a short distance away from the tree line, I can make it. I hear the shouts of people as they see me making a break for it. Ares' blood pours onto me and the ground.

Athena: Fuck, you don't have long.

A bullet flies past me and slams into a tree. The tree splinters as the powerful bullet of a rifle hits it. I hear the sound of the shot a second later. I start making my movements spontaneous to avoid shots until I can get to cover.

I'm almost at the tree line and another long rifle's bullet flies past my leg. It hits the ground and kicks up dirt onto me and Ares. I pick up the pace knowing that I might not be so lucky when the sniper shoots next.

I make it to the tree line and start weaving through the trees. There are no more shots coming my way. They must not have one anymore. But now I have to get away from the people chasing me.

They're gaining on me, and I don't have much time to get away from them. I start running towards the factory. Running past thick trees and brush. I need to keep their view of me minimal to not at all. That's my only chance.

But they're still on me. I have to hide and wait for them to pass.

Athena: Where the hell do I hide?

I look down at Ares to see his brow furrowed. He's alive for now.

I look around for somewhere to hide and see a pack of Walkers coming. That might be a good distraction. I run towards them. They start to come at me. I run around and them and spread them out. Two trip over each other separating them even more.

I can hear the people start to fight them behind me. They're closer than I thought. How many? I turn around and see fifteen people chasing me. A few of them taking down the Walkers with ease.

Unknown: Stop Athena!

I don't have a choice.

Athena: Don't die Ares.

I stop and lean him up against a tree. The fifteen people almost on top of me. They're not slowing down. I don't have a weapon on me. I had to drop my pistol.

The first person to reach me doesn't stop but tries to stab me. I move to the side grab the knife and clothesline him in one swift move. He falls to the ground and I push the knife into his forehead. The next two come at me screaming at the top of their lungs. Both raising blunt objects above their heads.

They swing at me at the same time. I dive towards them and narrowly dodge their hits. I wind up behind them and stab the left one in the side. He brings his arm down to hit my arm as I pull it out and he stumbles a few feet away. The right one swings at me, and a dodge backwards. I run into someone else, and quickly kick the leg behind me. Knocking them down.

They raise to swing at me again, and I stick my knife through their chin before they have the chance. I hear more approaching prepare myself. They surround me. One holding a pistol.

Unknown: Give it up Athena.

Athena: You know, I've protected you for years. This is how you repay me?

Unknown: You betrayed us.

Athena: You can walk away with your lives. I've taken down more.

Unknown: We're not leaving.

A few of them look a little unsure.

Athena: I promise you'll lose. Any of you who want to go can leave.

There's a few who hesitate, but back away. Out of the thirteen left, ten leave, including the one I stabbed already.

Athena: Three on one now. Not fair at all. Last chance to leave.

Unknown: We can take you.

Athena: Bummer.

I throw my knife and run at the man with a pistol. The knife hits his thigh and he reaches for it while screaming. I get to him before he can somewhat recover and take the pistol from him. Someone swings something at me, and I duck under it. Shooting the culprit in the same movement. Their shirt starts to stain with blood as it seeps from their chest. I look to the other who looks scared.

Athena: I gave you the chance.

They start to back away.

Athena: You didn't take it.

I shoot them before they can get away and it goes into their shin. They fall screaming in pain. The man who had the pistol has slumped to the ground knowing what's about to happen.

Unknown: You won't-

I shoot him in the head.

Athena: You won't get away.

I say in a mocking voice. I reach down and grab my knife. I walk over to the one I shot in the chest and put my knife in their head to keep them from turning. The last person is trying to get away. Still groaning loudly.

Athena: Where are you going? You aren't getting away.

Unknown: No please.

Athena; No please, fuck you.

I shoot them in the head.

I run over to where I left Ares as fast as I can. I get to the side of the tree I left him and see a Walker about to take a chunk out of his leg.

Athena: Fuck!

I kick it in the head. It falls away. I jump over Ares and stab it in the head before it gets back up. I quickly make sure Ares doesn't have a bite, and still has a pulse. He's good.

Athena: How the hell are you still alive?

I quickly get stuff together and start a fire. I let it heat up a little and wipe my knife on the sleeve I still have. I look at Ares and look at his mangled arm.

Athena: Oh God... I'm so sorry.

I rest the knife in the fire and walk over to the bodies. I think someone was holding a machete, but they might have run away.

Athena: Fuck, I should have killed them all.

The machete isn't here. I walk back to the fire. I check the knife. It's ready. I roll up my sleeve and grab Ares' left arm in both hands. Oh, this is gonna suck. I plant my feet on the tree behind him. I pull on his arm and feel it start to rip off.

Athena: Fuck fuck fuck.

It gives and I collapse onto the ground. He's bleeding more now. I grab my knife and press it on his arm. It sizzles as it makes contact and only covers half of the stub. I hold it for a few seconds and move it to the other half. I take knife off and drop it to the ground. I roll my sleeve back down and rip it off, wrapping it around his upper arm just in case. It looks rough, but it's the best I can do.

I check his pulse again and feel the very faint beat of his heart. If I didn't do this right, then he's dead. It was close. I take off my jacket and put it on him. I put his right arm through the sleeve, but leave the left arm tucked inside. It's small on him, but he doesn't have any other options.

I hear the groans of Walkers coming and pick him up again. I need to get to the factory.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon