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Your arm has just been flicked off by the giant Clementine. Youre in a state of being unaware. You know you're there, but don't know what's going on. You can't think clearly, hear, see... Nothing. You're just there.

After what feels like seconds, you start to come back. You don't know where you're going to end up. Back in the hellscape you made in your head, captured again, or in the middle of the woods.

You slowly open your eyes to see a ceiling. It's worn and old; cracks, water stains, and vegetation covering it. The room is barely lit by the Sun. It's on the horizon, but you're unsure whether it's rising or setting.

You're left arm is in pain. The pain is fluctuating; rising and lowering at random times. You feel the mask still wrapped around your head, the hard surface below you, and a weight on your torso.

You try and pull your right arm off to rub your eyes, but it's pinned under something. You then try your left hand. You raise it to your eye and realize that there is no hand to rub your eye. Your arm isn't there.

You slightly rise up to evaluate the situation. Your left arm is wrapped up, or what's left of it. It's gone. You look at your right arm to see that there is someone laying on you. Their head is resting on their hands, which is resting on you. They're leaned over from a chair. You recognize the hair. It's short, brown, and messy. A single short bun on the side. She'll want to know you're awake.

You shake your right arm a little.

You: Clem.

She doesn't budge. You shake it a little more and talk louder.

You: Clem.

She finally starts to rouse and stretches as she wakes up. She didn't realize you were the one that woke her up. She sits up and looks up to your face. Upon realizing you're awake, she throws herself at you. Wrapping you in a big hug. She buries her face into your neck. You can feel her tears wet your neck. You return her hug with your right arm.

Clem: I'm so sorry.

You: For what?

Clem: I didn't even come looking for you. I thought you were dead.

You: You only have one leg. You couldn't have come looking for me.

Clem: I could've had someone come try and find you.

You: They would have died.

Clem: I could've done something.

You: No, you couldn't. It's fine, you did nothing wrong.

She doesn't say anything. You both just sit in and enjoy the moment of being reunited. Eventually she lets go and sits back up. You throw your legs over the side of the table to sit up. You realize just how weak you're feeling. You lost a lot of blood.

Clem: What did they do to you?

You: They tortured me for weeks and told me you were dead. I eventually gave in to what they wanted. They wanted me to join them, fight for them. They trained me and turned me into their personal killing machine.

Clem: So, it wasn't that bad?

You: I've worn this mask for months which is really uncomfortable. It also makes eating and drinking hard. I was kept in a small room with Athena. Training was brutal. And I did things for them that I didn't want to. I also kind of screwed them over once. That lead to a lot of torture.

Clem: I'm sorry.

You: Again, you did nothing wrong.

Clem: I thought you were dead.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now