Ch 30

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for 2k+ views! It means a lot. Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I hope it wasn't cheesy or that it didn't escalate quickly. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

"You ready?" 

Today was the day. The day of funeral. Funeral of none other than Andrew Mayfair. It had been scheduled to be held a little over a week since he was killed. Hermione had gotten to know about some relatives of Andy, and had asked McGonagall to inform them, but not even a day had passed when they had gotten their reply. And it wasn't even a bit polite, mind you, and they had swiftly rejected to come to his funeral, claiming that they believed that they didn't have any relations with him, and he was just a pain in the neck for them.

Hermione had been full of anger and would have apparated straight away to their home for giving them a lecture, if it hadn't been for Draco, who had succeeded in stopping her. But in return for saving their lives (You could never know what Hermione would do in her anger), he had himself suffered terribly. He had been on the receiving end of her wand when the famous Bat Bogey Hex had been cast, this time surprisingly by Hermione and not Ginny, and had barely managed to dodge the other hexes thrown at his way. 

And when somebody would make fun of his condition after that, he would get so riled up and start his small speech, "It is not easy, you know, controlling her when she is ready to just kill someone. Though I am thankful that she is my girlfriend, I absolutely do not want to face her wrath again......." But nobody would stay long enough to hear it till the end. 

But Draco would be so engrossed in his speech that he wouldn't notice the absence of that person, and when he would do, he would get so offended and say, "My father will hear about this!" 

This continued for a few days until Blaise was so fed up by him that when Draco said that dialouge again, he exclaimed, "You know what, Draco, even your father wouldn't like to hear about that, so stop this dialouge of yours, because honestly, didn't you learn anything else than that, or did you fail all your tests you had before you came to Hogwarts?" 

And then Theo would step in saying, "Oh wait, you always refused to to give any tests. Hmm.... That must be the reason for your lack of words. Honestly, Blaise, how did we even thought that he is intelligent? And do tell me how you manage to tolerate him, Hermione, specially now that he is your boyfriend."

 And what followed next, left every else in bursts of laughter. Draco would pick up the frying pan or any other utensils he would find in the small kitchen in the Heads' Dormitory, and would chase both of them with it all around the common room, occaisionally throwing those utensils at them. 

But at the end of it, they would hug each other again, making some people like Harry rolling his eyes at them, which only resulted in Draco throwing utensils at him, and the same process would follow, this time Harry chasing Draco, but they would never hug each other again, not because they didn't want to although it was one of the minor reasons, but because Hermione would shout at them to stop, and neither wanted to face her wrath again.

"Yeah. Just a moment. I am coming." Came the reply from the other side of the door.

"You alright there?" Said the voice from outside the door.

"Yes, I am fine. Give me a minute, I will be out." Was the reply that came back.

"You said the same thing thirty minutes ago, Hermione. I know that-that this is not easy for you, but just come out, okay? I want to talk to you. Please come out." The person standing outside said.

When there was no reply, he said, "Either you will be out right now, or I will break your door down. You heard me, Hermione, and you know I don't back out. You know I am not a very patient person." 

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