Ch 14

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A/N: Thank you so much for 450+ views! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I was excited to write the last chapter. Also I would like to thank @bluedevils3 for commenting and voting on each and every chapter of this story! You were the first to comment and vote on this story and I am thankful that you are continuing to read it. Hope you are liking it. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

Hermione wasn't looking forward to this day at all. And when she says at all, she means at all.

If it wasn't for the fact that Hermione didn't like to break rules, if she can help it, and she was never the one to break the rules of a game or the fact that she considered Blaise and Theo as her close friends, she would have killed them by now or left the Head's Common Room, settled in the Gryffindor common room and never played the game again with Blaise, Theo and Draco.

With a sigh, she tried to find any loophole as she thought about the 'great incident' that forced her to do the task that she has to do today.


"Your turn now, Draco." Blaise said as he drank from his glass.

"Umm...I would take Situation." Draco said after a few moments.

"Hmm...let me think then. I am going to give a hard and tricky situation. After all, our Draco here  deserves the best." Blaise said the last sentence in a mocking voice which caused Hermione and Theo to laugh and Draco to as usual scowl at Blaise.

Once again, the Uncalled Four were sitting in Hermione and Draco's common room after classes. There was an hour left until dinner and so the Slytherins and the Gryffindor decided to play their classic game, Truth, Dare or Situation, better known as TDS.

" I have gotten a nice one. So, Hermione and you have been kidnapped by death- I mean some people. You can save only one person.  Would you rather save Hermione or yourself?" Blaise asked.

Of course himself, Hermione thought. He would only choose the person he cares about a lot over himself. And I am just his friend. Even if we or at least, I, enjoy his company, it doesn't mean that he cares about me a lot. 

He would definitely choose Hermione. Even if he is the most oblivious person in the world, even he has to know that there is a soft side of him reserved for Hermione, which he doesn't show to anyone else, Blaise thought as he smiled at Draco and Hermione, who were leaning on the couch opposite to him and Theo.

He is definitely choosing Hermione. He cannot bear to have something happened to her. Even if it means that something has to be happened to him, Theo thought as he copied Blaise's action of smiling at them.

"I would choose Granger over me, anyday." Draco said.

Even if Blaise and Theo had been expecting this, and Hermione not, they all choked on the firewhiskey that they were drinking. Because Draco Lucius Malfoy had said that he would choose Hermione over himself and that also anyday, without a moment of hesitation. Blaise and Theo had expected him to atleast take a moment or two to answer whereas Hermione had expected him to answer without any moment's hesitation but she had expected him to choose himself, not her. And here he was, choosing her over himself, that too in a second.

"What?" Draco asked, seeing their expressions.

"Uh-nothing. I just realised that this is our last year at Hogwarts and went all nostalgic and choked on my Firewhiskey." Blaise said.

"And I just realised that I would have to choose a career after about 8 months and I am not at all prepared for it." Theo said.

"And I-I umm...I realised that Ginny invited me for sleepover in Gryffindor Tower tomorrow and told me to prepare some cupcakes and I forgot to bring the ingredients." Hermione said, stammering a bit.

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