Ch 15

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for 550+ views! It means a lot. I am so thankful to you guys for it. When I started this story, I was nervous for it. But, you guys are so good! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. Anyways, please read the A/N below carefully. There is a very important question I need to ask besides the random question, and your answers are very important. Read the A/N to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

"Andy! Andy, wait up." 

"What do you want Hermione?" Andy asked her as he continued to walk.

Hermione ran to him and grabbed his hand to stop him from moving further. "I just want to talk to you about it-" She started but he cut her off. She seems to be getting interrupted while speaking a lot these days.

"You made your intentions very clear yesterday." He said but did nothing to remove his arm from her grasp.

Hermione spotted some students looking at them and whispering about something. She spotted an empty classroom nearby and turned towards Andy. "Andy, people are looking at us. I don't want to start any misunderstandings and so we shouldn't talk here." She whispered to him.

"What do want to then?" He whispered back.

"There is an empty classroom that way. Let us go and talk in there." She said and when he didn't move, she added, "Please."

He finally nodded at her and followed her to the classroom. Hermione shut the door as Andy entered and cast a Muffliato spell, thinking that Andy would not like anyone to hear about it if they talk, that is.

Hermione and Andy had been just talking yesterday in the Head's common room. Andy wanted to discuss something to her about a project and since they didn't have any tutoring classes that day, he asked her if they could discuss it in their common room after dinner and she agreed. They had just finished discussing and were talking about something when the common room's portrait opened.


"You should have seen his face, oh God. I bet he- Oh Hermione!"

Hermione looked up to see Blaise standing there. Two more figures emerged from behind him and stood next to him.

"Oh hey, you three! What are you doing here? I thought you said that you will be in the Slytherin Common Room and will only return when it will be time for rounds?" Hermione asked them.

"It is almost time for rounds, Hermione." Draco said.

Hermione looked at the clock and said, "Oh God. Only three minutes are left till the rounds. I must have missed the time."

She stood up and seeing her actions, Andy too stood up and said, "I better go then, Hermione. I will see you tomorrow." Hermione had told him everything that Headmistress McGonagall had told them about someone using Polyjuice Potion that day. But still, after that day, Draco and Andy hadn't exchanged a word to each other.

But before he could leave, Draco said, "We are going to play TDS later. And Blaise and Theo will arrange firewhiskey by the time we finish our rounds. You can play with us if you want, Mayfair."

To say Hermione, Blaise, Theo and Andy were shocked, will probably be an understatement. They had never imagined that the Draco Malfoy would willingly ask Andrew Mayfair to play a game with them.

"Uh...I am sorry but I should really go. You guys enjoy playing it." Andy declined the offer but you know, Draco is too stubborn to give up.

"I am not asking you, Mayfair. You have to play with us." Draco said.

Hermione looked at Andy and said, "You are welcome to play the game with us. It will be  fun."

Andy finally agreed to play and Draco muttered, "If I had known that he would listen to Hermione, I would have told her to ask him before only. Such a dramatic child he is.", but thankfully, no one heard him.

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